well i just got my tongue pierced like 3 days ago. it really didn't hurt but its really hard to eat..its like I'm on a diet or something cause i cant eat what i want cause you cant eat diary or spicy of hot foods...but you can be any age to get it done you just have to have your parent with you and it does look cool cause that's why i got it done.lol but other then that don't be scared cause it doesn't hurt its just the next day its swollen so just eat lots of ice it will make it better and used mouthwash 24/7!
2006-10-23 04:35:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
OK, first of all, each person experiences pain in different ways. I had it done and it did not hurt. What hurt was the next day when your tongue swells so bad that if forms the shape of the inside of your mouth and you have teeth impressions on your tongue. It breaks the enamel off of your teeth, you have to constantly check it to make sure that the ball is tight so you don't swallow any of the pieces. It leaves a nasty scar that looks like a big hole in your tongue. I also read that it can lead to problems with your heart. Infections go in through the whole in your tongue and travels thru your blood stream. As for the sexual part, there is not a doubt about why most people think that you are getting it.
2006-10-21 23:27:42
answer #2
answered by queen_poisonivy 2
You have mentioned in your question that you are "scared" many times. You may want to hold off on getting your tongue pierced until you can honestly say to yourself that you may be nervous about the procedure but you are no longer scared to get it done. You are only 14! Dont be impulsive....set a date of at least 30 days before you get this done...or 3 months and see if this is something that you still want.
Now, as far as having the piercing done. I would hope that at 14 it isnt for sexual reasons. You are far too young for that, geez!! Please be careful. Also, you may think it looks cool, but here are a few reasons why I REMOVED mine. For one, it made me talk funny...like a lisp. For two, it hurt like hell to eat because sometimes I would accidentally bite down on the barbell. Which leads to another problem...the teeth. People tend to click their tongue rings and play with them which ultimately rubs and hits your teeth a LOT (and is really annoying to others around you). This can cause some permanent damage in the long run.
So, basically I am just saying to really think hard about this....do you really want it done that bad?? Oh, one more thing...yes, of course it hurts. They drive a thick needle through your tongue while its clamped and then put a piece of metal in it for you to "think it looks cool". Seriously...Think about it.
2006-10-22 00:01:25
answer #3
answered by ? 4
One, I know for sure, well here anyways, you have to be 16 to get it done, and you HAVE to have parent permission, and im not sure if they have to be there, but my friend was 16 and needed permission and they were there. And don't even try doing it yourself, the piercing guy told her that if someone did it and hit the wrong place, it really can paralyze your tongue, and like other people say, you can get an infection. My friend who professionally got hers done, had to eat baby food for a couple days, because of swelling, but it went away and its been about 5 years now. And by the way, I have heard that reasearch on tongue piercing say that if you do get an infection, it can go down your throat and cause infection not just in your tongue.
2006-10-21 23:17:17
answer #4
answered by mizdameanor316 2
Think about it sweety, you're getting a piece of metal shoved through your tongue. Its going to hurt.
Make sure to eat something atleast half an hour before you get it done though. I made that mistake, and I almost passed out because of the addreniline rush.
Your tongue will also swell up really bad pretty much immeadiately after you get it done, and it will be swollen for about three days to a week, so drinking a lot of ice water is going to be the best thing to do. Not only does it help with the swelling, but it also helps it to be less sore.
Also, some piercers will tell you to wrinse your mouth with mouth wash after every time you eat. DO NOT do this! Drink water with every meal, and take a drink after you swollow each bite. The mouth wash kills off the good bacteria in your mouth, and if you use it more than twice a day, it can not only cause your tongue to get infected, but it can cause your whole mouth to get infected. Only use mouth wash in the morning when you brush your teeth, and at night before you go to bed. Thats plenty. Other than that, ice water will be the best thing.
There will be certain things that you wont be able to eat right away also. Mostly those things are things like Spaghettie and Ramen Noodles.
With that barbell in your tongue, you pretty much have to learn to move your tongue without getting it caught on your teeth, and you have to learn how to eat without biting the barbell. The noodles will end up getting wrapped around the barbell if you eat them too soon, and that can really really hurt. Its best to wait a few weeks before trying to eat noodles. Infact, you should probably stick to soft foods like soup and mac and cheese for the first week, just to give it some time to heal up and for the swelling to go down.
Heres something to remember though. The piercer will tell you 6 to 8 weeks before the piercing is fully healed. But, keep in mind that not only is your tongue one of the strongest muscles in your body next to your heart, it is also the most resilliant. This means that, depending on your body, it could be fully healed in less than two weeks.
Once all of that swelling is gone, this is when you'll want to change barbells. The piercer will start off with a longer one in order to compensate for swelling, but after the swelling is gone, its time to switch to a shorter, store bought one. If you don't the piercing could get torn or streached.
If you have any other questions, then feel free to email me at MerrickDeNight@hotmail.com
2006-10-22 04:21:41
answer #5
answered by xxtorturedinnocentsxx 2
Additional negative effects include:
post-placement swelling
prolonged bleeding
gum injury
permanent numbness
loss of taste
oral hygiene problems
In addition, piercing has been identified by the National Institutes of Health as a possible vehicle for transmission of hepatitis B, C, D and G, and HIV.
2006-10-21 23:09:01
answer #6
answered by sweety 3
Well, im 15 and i thought a tongue piercing would be pretty cool, but it does hurt A LOT! i know this because some of my friends have had it but took it out cuz it hurt so much.
I juust read a story about it today tho. Something about it hurting so much that it messed with your brain and it was called "suicidal -something to do with pain" idk the exact name. and when you take it out, it doesnt hurt anymore. it's weird but yeah. im not getting my tongue pierced.....
2006-10-21 23:11:58
answer #7
answered by BEAutiful 2
Don't do it.
2006-10-22 18:33:10
answer #8
answered by Ace Librarian 7