we all have souls. it's in the Bible
2006-10-21 15:22:01
answer #1
answered by deb2rule 5
Oh, yes. Read the Bible. Because we all know, there's no way that it could be wrong, right? Wrong. I believe there is a soul. It's the accumulation of everything in your brain, including your conscience. I see life as a kind of intangible matter. You cannot create or destroy it. Your soul is your consciousness. And I believe in equivalent exchange after death. You get what you pay for. No hell for a number of petty crimes. Nothing anyone does is worth eternal fire. It's foolish to think an everloving God would ever allow that. How do we know that ghosts don't exist, after their reported sightings since who knows when? And by the way, Heaven is worthless, tacky, and boring. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Don't be headstrong and tell Deepak Chopra to read the Bible. He's probably read it and is intelligent enough not to believe everything he reads.
2006-10-21 16:55:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are many proves and I would run out post if I start telling all. Some people express about god when the question ask about soul. God has nothing to do with our soul. If god so care about our souls, why god does not help our soul not keep stuck in our body, in other words, to live forever without dying. They speak of god because that is what they all know. However; the real truth is hidden. I do not believe there is a soul. I know there is a soul because how many times we have heard ghost stories? Ghost and Gods, God is simply opposite of ghost. God is a soul too but god is not responsible for anyone's souls. Buddha clearly express about this. To know clearly about the soul, it is important to search more about "Life after life in Buddhism" also known as rebirth.
2006-10-21 15:44:49
answer #3
answered by CHAMI 1
There is a soul. We are more than body parts, chemical releases, and intelligence. We are more than just animals. We are made in the image of God, with the most powerful gift of free will that makes us what we are. When we ask the very question of does a soul exist, we already know that it does. Why do we laugh with joy? Why do we cry when we are happy or sad? We all know that we will die someday and when a question like this is asked, we think of two things: Is there something else after this? If there is, am I prepared for it?
I would find it hard to believe that I would cease to exist after this body's gives way to Death. I find it hard to accept the notion that I will be annilihated after my Death. That this life, this pain, this sorrowflul society, this world is all there is to look forward to. If that is the case, then why not blow out my brains and end it now? But no, there is so much more that is out there. A God of love that says, "When you die, I will be with you even then." What comfort and joy to know that it does not end here but continues, either into everlasting love and peace...or everlasting separation from God.
God, when he created all things, spoke them into existence. "Let there be.." and it was done. But when He created Man, he formed him from the dust, He shaped Man in his image. And then He breathed in Man and Man became alive. I find this amazing how when we do CPR on a person, another person breathes air into the lifeless person in an effort to give life...just like our Heavenly Father.
So there is a soul and what happens after that depends on you.
God bless you all
2006-10-21 15:36:29
answer #4
answered by greenfire 1
I am sure that there will be many who scoff at my answer but before you do ask yourself this question. If there is no afterlife, no heaven or hell what is the purpose of life? The word of God teaches us that the soul immediately is to be judged beore God after death. There will be many who say that the bible is not true or there are discrepancise in it. I say there is no other book on Earth that has been scrutinized and di-sected as the Bible has, yet it still survives. Why? God says that heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away. Man will know no real peace without knowing the word of God and knowing the Son of God /Jesus.I will put my faith and trust in him and his word.Place yours where you will, however on the day of judgement no man/woman will be able to give any excuse that will be acceptable.If i am wrong then what have i lost? If you are wrong what will you lose for eternity? May God bless the United States of America and each of us.
2006-10-21 16:15:19
answer #5
answered by wellskenneth 1
A big YES.. I have had family members and animals die in my life and strange things happen .Im sure most people wont believe me...Once the microwave at my aunts house when crazy the day she passed away and so did mine.. Mine is attached to my stove and it would come on by itself for months ...and Im not the only one that witnessed it... We couldnt leave anything on the range and in order to stop the micro wave we had to leave the door open.. They replaced theirs right away but I didnt and after several months its was back to normal..But the feeling of a presence in my home is very strong..When ever I cant find something I ask for help and I am led right to it.. Its really wierd....So yes I do beleve there is a soul in everyone..
2006-10-21 15:54:20
answer #6
answered by john316 1
Why is Deepak Chopra asking a person? He really needs to ask God that question. If he really wants to know the truth---he should seek it. The Bible explains it very clearly. Maybe he will have peace of mind if he justs searches in the right place. He will only get more confused if he clouds his mind with many conflicting sources.
2006-10-21 15:35:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i have a response to mr Chopra, why aren't the hundreds of other questions on yahoo answers which ask exactly the same thing, good enough for him?
It says quite specifically in the Old Testament that your rewards for living by the Law will be given to you in this life time. Then the NEw testament comes along and it says the opposite, which is right? how can there even be a contradiction?
2006-10-21 15:23:47
answer #8
answered by abcdefghijk 4
i dont think there is one. This is just our narcissistic behavior that makes us believe that us, humans are so superior that even after death, we have a life and soul. If soul really exists then howcome animals, reptiles and etc dont have sould, are they not created by God? arent they living? How come only we have to face day of judgement, y are they exempt from it?
Scientifically all this doesnt make sense but if u have faith or religion then it does becuase God said so but if u really think scientifically then religion doesnt make sense either.
Religion and faith is made by humans to create discipline in their lives and to feel secure because humans are insecure, scared and timid in nature and they wanted to hold onto something so they created religions.
When we will die then that will be the end of our lives and someone else will be born that very same moment somewhere in the world to replace us. Thats the normal biological cycle of the earth.
2006-10-21 15:28:38
answer #9
answered by surreal 2
i do believe that people have souls. but, sadly, i have no concrete evidence for you. i think people's belief in the existence of souls is a matter of faith. some people believe in souls b/c they dislike the thought of being merely a human, in being JUST some living functioning being. it is a matter of believing or thinking or WANTING to believe or think that there is more to life than just breathing and doing and then dying. people want to believe that there is some part of them that makes them, well, more than just what they are on the outside, more than just a bag of bones skin and blood. the thought that there is some sort of essence or soul within us is a comfort to some. it's like once the living, physical part of us is dead we will still have that SOUL that will live on, or be sent to some other dimension or world. I think the belief in a soul can be defined as something we make up for ourselves so that we feel that when our "life" is OVER it's not really OVER. it is essentially all about the fear of the end. no one wants thier life to end so a soul is what we make up as some part of us that never will. it funny, i know, that i kinda contradict myself in saying that souls are perhaps imaginary in a way, but at the same time believe myself to have a soul, but i guess you can say that i'm just like everyone else- i NEED to believe i have a soul and that the things i do in live are to better my soul and what is in store for my soul after my physical being dies. or else, what is the meaning of life?
2006-10-21 15:36:40
answer #10
answered by ♥_mrs.smith 4
To ask for proof is in itself a statement of disbelief. Thats like asking to prove there is wind, no one can see it, just the effects of it, but no one doubts wind exsists.
So, yes, I do believe there is a soul. The thin line between, soul/spirit is often blurred and sometimes hard to distinquish. Im sure they are often referred to using the terms interchangeably.
Ones own view of religion and spirituality will determine the belief in the soul an its connection to aferlife.
2006-10-21 15:32:08
answer #11
answered by dazednconfused 2