Last night it started beeping! In my room! But I was able to sleep through it. Well In the morining, I took the battery out, and the beeping still is going, but thedetector has a wire that goes in the house, and i think they all are connected, and the Green light is on, When I put a battery will it stop? Is it telling me just theres not battery?
18 answers
asked by
Home & Garden
➔ Maintenance & Repairs
change the battery cause it is low the wires might be for a house power supply that is hooked up to it, but the battery is a backup supply. so replace the battery, hurry before we all catch on fire and die
2006-10-21 05:56:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Smoke Detector Keeps Beeping
2016-09-29 08:06:26
answer #2
answered by edgmon 4
Smoke Alarm Keeps Beeping
2016-12-15 19:33:40
answer #3
answered by forgach 4
This Site Might Help You.
My smoke detector keeps beeping?
Last night it started beeping! In my room! But I was able to sleep through it. Well In the morining, I took the battery out, and the beeping still is going, but thedetector has a wire that goes in the house, and i think they all are connected, and the Green light is on, When I put a battery will it...
2015-08-06 15:57:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your smoke detector may be hard wired into the electrical system in your house. If it is the battery is there as a back up in case your power goes out. The beeping may be a siganl that your battery is going dead or they may be a malfunction in the unit. But I am willing to bet that the battery is going dead. When was the last time you changed it? With regular battery operated ones you should change the battery twice a year. Once when you put your clock ahead and again when you turn it back in the fall. Hope this helps you out.
2006-10-21 06:08:54
answer #5
answered by Michael S 2
Mine was beeping too. I go to the panel and press the reset button but wont work. The next thing i did is put our dining table underneath the smoke detector put a chair above the table ang reach out the detector, I remove the battery and it stops beeping.
that is unsafe, just a temporary solution. call for a technician, that needs servicing.
2006-10-21 06:04:49
answer #6
answered by alilio_x 1
Smoke detectors have a safety device in them to give you a warning that the battery is very low and needs to be replaced. Good thing it does too, if not, your battery will die, and if theres a fire, you may never know it, or find out too late. Get a new battery asap, ok?
2006-10-21 06:03:15
answer #7
answered by xenypoo 4
smoke detector beeping
2016-01-24 23:11:47
answer #8
answered by Edgar 4
Has happened to me a couple of times. Scared the living daylights out of me !!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got up in the middle of the night and yanked the sucker out of its socket and went right back to sleep.....!!!!
I guess it is the battery. Try changing it and if it still keeps howling, you may need to change the whole unit. An electrician can help you on that.
2006-10-21 06:01:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You need to change the battery-it's beeping to let you know it's running low!
2006-10-21 05:59:34
answer #10
answered by Shiv 4