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we lived in this house when i was a teenager that weird things happened in. after we moved out all these years later no one has been able to stay in it stands empty now anyway i will tell you some of the weird things then i want to know what you think about what i saw one day we found two dead calfs under the house no bite marks no dragging signs in the dirt ? then my mom said one of the kids toys a sit and spin was spinning faster and faster in the house , one night i went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and the light was off i am sitting there doing my bussiness when i feel a cat rubbing on me meowing i pet it and think somehow a cat got in the house we didnt own one so i thought when i get done i will let it out its loving on me meowing but when i turn on the light its no cat it hissed and the only thing i can tell you is it looked like a bob cat crossed with a rat it reared back and hissed at me i screamed and ran no one could find anthing in the house

2006-10-21 05:09:37 · 7 answers · asked by 99 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

now what do you think i saw a bob cat ? it was big enough for that but to big for a rat , would a wild bob cat meow and let you pet it and rub up against you it doesnt make sense i want to explain it away with that my friend says bob cat but i cant get past a wild animal meowing and rubbing and enjoying the petting its hair felt soft like a cat
yet as soon as the lights came on it flipped out and with all the other weird things that happened there what do you think my friend says the bob cat also dragged the dead calfs under there yet i saw no dragging marks no bite marks it ate nothing off the calfs if so it makes no sense

2006-10-21 05:09:46 · update #1

7 answers

The cats probably died under the house from a disease. Feline leukemia is pretty common with stray cats and it usually kills quite a few around the same time.
The thing in the bathroom was probably a stray cat. They can look pretty hideous sometimes and you must have scared it by turning on the light. It could have gotten out of the house the same way it came in, through an open window. Cats are great climbers!
Wait a minute, did you say calfs? Now that is odd. You must have had a huge underside to your house. Maybe they got seperated from there mommy and died of starvation. Cows are pretty dumb you know.

2006-10-21 14:35:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cool - you should write a horror novel about this!

But a bobcat make sense though about everything...

I've had some similar experiences with a bunch of large rats that used to drag cats under the house and kill the cats. Eventually the town bulldozed the house, and the rats got lose and started killing dogs and stuff. They had to hunt them down with shotguns.

2006-10-21 12:13:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably some type of cat with rabies. Rabied animals will act strange. For instance, a wild cat may purr and rub up against a stranger. A docile domestic house cat may become violent and attack it's owner. If it had rabies, it would have stopped grooming itself and perhaps become mangy which would account for its strange appearance. Hope this helps.

2006-10-21 12:35:06 · answer #3 · answered by eightieschic 6 · 0 0

You say it looked like a rat, but was big enough to be a bob cat? If I'm not mistaken, it could have been a wolf rat. They usually only eat rabbits, and small animals like that, but they have been known to kill calfs and eat small children. I'm not sure, though, so I suggest you do some research about them, to see if it could be your 'bob cat'.

2006-10-21 12:16:04 · answer #4 · answered by Viva La Pasta 2 · 0 0

You should sell this story to S. King.... but then again, he is never short of ideas.
It's either you have a mind like the king or this really happened to you. I'm glad it happened to you- not to me.... because I wouldn't be here going for level 6 right now.

2006-10-21 12:21:00 · answer #5 · answered by justmemimi 6 · 0 0

it was probley some spirts playing with your mind.. they were trying to scare you so you;d move out of there, that is really wierd though.. glad you made it out of that house

2006-10-21 12:32:35 · answer #6 · answered by Cami lives 6 · 0 1

u must be simple first

2006-10-21 12:11:26 · answer #7 · answered by george p 7 · 0 0

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