I think the compromise the U.S. Supreme Court came up with in Roe vs. Wade in 1973 was appropriate: OK for the 1st trimester, in much more limited circumstances in the 2nd trimester and with more approvals; and Not OK except in very limited circumstances in the 3rd trimester.
What I would like to see is statistics on how many abortions are being performed in each of the three trimesters and then finding ways to reduce the necessity of abortion. (I am pro choice, because I don't believe that the government should dictate that a pregnant woman MUST give birth in all circumstances. At the same time, I don't want women to take abortion lightly. I strongly believe most don't already.)
When I was in college studying journalism, I interviewed a pro life advocate who had seven children. I remember asking her what she would do in the case of the mother's health at stake if she were to give birth. Her pat answer was "Modern medical science can cure it." Not in all circumstances.
I then asked her what she would do in the case of rape, and her response was that the baby shouldn't have to suffer for the sins of the father. That answer showed a remarkable degree of arrogance.
2006-10-21 03:25:40
answer #1
answered by Shelley 3
Abortions for minors only with parental conscent? WHAT??? You mean your mother/father could force you to carry a child to term?
I can't say I am very "pro-abortionist" but neither am I a crazy anti-abortionist that seem to exist in countries like USA and Poland. The fetus, while it might have a potential to become a child- isn't one. I mean, there's lots of unfulfilled potential for children all the time, abortion means that the fetus will just join the countless numbers of unborn children.
If, you for a reason or another, are religious and believe that the soul is imbued at conception- Fine! that's your thing, but you can't force that belief upon others. Religion is lies that you use to comfort yourself, and I don't see why anyone would need to suffer for your beliefs.
I strongly believe that everyone is justified to abort their unborn child in the early stages of pregnancy. None of the aborted fetuses have complained as of yet.
Perhaps it would be a better idea to combat the reason why many women are forced to resort (it's not like they want to have sex and then abort) is to educate them about sex. There's an utterly false view in USA that you can't get pregnant if the man doesn't ejaculate inside the woman, which is wrong.
There's a paradox about the USA. For a country so anti-abortion, it does have a really high abortion rate.
2006-10-21 10:18:59
answer #2
answered by dane 4
No compromises should be made, people think that because babies are on the inside they dont count until they take there first breath outside of a mothers body, but the truth is they breathe life way before they are here in the world because they recieve the breath of life that god gives us to even begin. I saw a research show on this whole partial birth abortion issue and you would not believe what they do. It truly is cruel, because when they perform the procedure the baby will fight and squirm and if the doctor cant control the head and it comes out then it becomes murder BY LAW. Imagine being that close to life and someone forcing you to lose it. Also the way they do the procedure is just horrifying, they take the mother and dialate her so that they can get to the baby. Then they take forceps and reach in while watching on ultra sound monitoring the heart beat and the baby and they grab a leg because the baby must be turned. They turn the baby feet first into a breach position which is also dangerous for the mother and they pull the baby out of the mothers womb. They are very careful to keep just the head in because like I said above if it comes out and the baby dies or takes a breath and then dies its murder. Then with a pair of medical scizzors they puncture the back of the babies neck and spread the opening with the scizzors. Then it is followed by a tube that is inserted into the opening and they litterily suck out the babies brain and then the child falls lifeless. I dont think the problem is compromise but ignorance for life.
2006-10-21 10:14:37
answer #3
answered by jennifer 1
I am extremely anti-abortion. That said, I think it should remain legal (but restricted!) so that women who desire one have a safe, sterile environment in which to abort their unborn child.
Restrictions that should be made nation-wide:
1. Absolutely NO abortions in the third trimester unless it's to save the mother's life.
2. Abortion for minors ONLY with parental consent.
3. All women seeking an abortion MUST be told of other options. For example, if there are people in their area who are willing to pay all medical bills and adopt the child, the pregnant woman should be informed of this. That way, just in case she's considering an abortion simply because she's not ready to have a child, maybe she'll change her mind if there's a way out.
4. All women considering having an abortion MUST be informed of the physical and emotional risks involved. The doctor performing the abortion must be honest about ALL pain involved.
Most of all, people must be more responsible. Don't want a child, or not ready for one? Don't have sex! Or, use protection, but be warned that NO protection is 100% effective.
We need to treat the source of the problem, rather than the problem itself. Perhaps if we do this, there won't be a need for women to ever consider aborting their unborn child.
Maybe I'm just idealistic, though.
2006-10-21 10:02:42
answer #4
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
If the fetus is viable outside of the womb the abortion should not be allowed.
Which late term abortions were banned so, there is nothing else to compromise over.
I personally believe it is a child, however not everyone believes that, so why should I force my beliefs on everyone else. I respect a womans right to choose what is best for them.
You will never make everyone happy with this isssue and no one should try. If you ban abortion it will revert back to the 50s with back alley abortions.
2006-10-21 13:57:31
answer #5
answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5
Myth 1. It' "my body".
Busted 1. No it's not. It is a foundational genetic fact that your body has your DNA, your fetus' DNA is different.
Myth 2. The fetus is a parasite.
Busted 2. A parasite, by biological definition, must be a different species....No thinking person would consider apples as parasites of an apple tree. (Howevera worm in the apple is indeed a parasite). The biological defintion of parasite can be found at http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parasit... . Some committed abortion supporters cling to the etymological definition of "one who is sustained by another without benefit to the host". Taken in that sense, a 6 month old baby is as much of a parasite as a fetus. Only most despicable monsters in world history killed the very young.
Myth 3. You can't legislate women from getting abortions by making abortions illegal.
Busted 3. Driving while intoxicated is also illegal, but thousands of people are killed by drunk drivers every year - only an imbecile would sugges
Myth 4. You can't tell a person what to do with their body.
Busted 4. Wrong. There are many laws regarding public health and decency (Ex. you can't ride the city bus while in the nude.)
Myth 5. Fetuses aren't human.
Busted 5. 46 human chromosomes couldn't possibly be anything else. Tyrants and slavers throughout history always rationalized their crimes by denying the humanity of their victims. Radical supporters of abortion point out that on rare occasions terrible genetic diseases like Turner's Syndrome cause people to be born with 45, 47 or 48 chromosomes and that these people are "not human". While these genetic diseases have pronounced physical and mental manifestations, they do not change the species of the affected person.
Myth 6. The fetus cannot survive on its own.
Busted 6. Neither can infants - a six month old infant would quickly die left to its own abilities. Again, only history's worst monsters killed infants.
Myth 7. Many Christians get abortions.
1 minute ago
Busted 7. Many Christians owned slaves - didn't make it right.
Myth 8. Making abortion illegal would force women who were raped or pregnant through incest or whose health was threatened to give birth.
Busted 8. Before Roe v Wade many states allowed for court ordered abortions for this very specific set of circumstances. A system for quick and condfidential judicial review for terminating these troubled pregancies would ensure the taking of human life has its day in court.
Myth 9. Human eggs and sperm are alive. Menstration and masturbation are the same as abortion.
Busted 9. So are the cells of the lining of our mouth - but like the egg or sperm, they independently could never be the start of a new human being.
Myth 10. The fetus isn't human because it isn't sentient.
Busted 10. Neither are people who are unconcious, and no one would suggest killing a person because they are unconcious is legal.
Myth 11. If you don't like abortions, don't have one!
48 seconds ago
Busted 11. If you don't like slavery, don't own one! Didn't work in 1865 - the abortion version won't work today.
Myth 12. If abortion is made illegal, dangerous "back alley" abortions will thrive.
Busted 12. The availability and efficacy of modern contraceptives can make unwanted preganacies as likely as winning the lottery.
Myth 13. You can't support the death penalty and be pro-life.
Busted 13. Any unborn person convicted of a capital crime should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
2006-10-21 09:52:22
answer #6
answered by Shiraz!! 1
I don't think that there will ever be a compromise on this issue. People on both sides of the fence just feel too strongly about it. Whether you are for it or against it (there are perfectly reasonable, justifiable arguments on each side) people will just never reach an area that will be satisfiable to most of the people on this issue.
I won't tell you what I think about abortion, that is not what you're asking. There will be plenty of others who will be only to happy to let you know exactly what they think.
This issue is just too strongly polarized for any current solution to be reached.
2006-10-21 09:57:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Don't have one if you don't want one.
No one should be forced to carry a child that doesn't want one. No one should be forced to have an abortion against their will or religion.
I think 16 weeks is long enough for even the most stupid of women to get the fact that they are pregnant.
I think if ultrasound reveals a serious defect then it should be left to the woman to do what she feels is best. At any stage of pregnancy.
I trust women to know they are ending a life that would have grown into a child that they will have to take care of for years. If a woman isn't ready for this, then who am I to say otherwise.
If you are religious then don't have one.
But don't make your laws for my body.
2006-10-21 10:05:45
answer #8
answered by justa 7
I am putting the pro-choicers on notice.
Either they do start compromises and start limited abortions in the late stages or I will go over to the PRO LIFE camp.
This killing of American citizens through partial birth abortion has to stop one way or the other.
If that means all abortion has to be banned, so be it.
The ball is in the pro choice camp now. They can start compromising or start watching their support switch sides.
I am pro-choice but that can change.
2006-10-21 10:21:34
answer #9
answered by John16 5
If we banned all Conservative pro-life Republicans from getting abortions, that might cut the number about in half. Aside from compulsory sterilization of the sexually active, I can't think of anything else that might work, other than shipping all the men to the moon!
2006-10-21 10:18:58
answer #10
answered by correrafan 7