We live in the land of the perpetually offended. Anything you say will be considered racist by somebody somewhere.
2006-10-20 08:26:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Seriously, in my opinion there's way too much trying to figure out if something is racist - or worse just simply calling what ever racist.
People say all kinds of insensitive things of all varieties. Why should saying something prejudiced have a special category over something that was otherwise hurtful but not necessarily prejudiced? Hurtful is hurtful. But that where it ends. We run around ready to be offended at the most off-handed thing. If its hurtful, you probably know it the moment it was said. Speak up and say you didn't appreciate what the other person said and that it hurt your feelings. Further it is absolutely toxic that there are a bunch of behind the back conversations about the whole matter. Deal directly with your own business - there is no need to gossip.
By the way, it IS disturbing that any young person idolizes individuals (gang members) who are usually anti-social and not law abiding - your co-worker was not very appropriate in her response to it.
2006-10-20 15:48:34
answer #2
answered by c_schumacker 6
"Wigger" is certainly offensive because of the word that is is based on. It also presumes that there is a certain way that black people are supposed to act - which is the very definition of a stereotype - and that if a white person acts in such a way, then they are somehow not totally white. It's racist because it stereotypes both black and white people, and it assumes that there is only one way for a black person or a white person to act.
Btw, do you know where the term, "high yellow" comes from? The "high" part refers to an old Southern notion that lighter skinned black people were better, or higher up, than the darker skinned ones. It's certainly something for you to think about, since you have it as your handle.
2006-10-20 18:05:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think this one's pretty straightforward, but it's got a twist. The word "wigger" is a play on that magic "N" word us white folk aren't allowed to use because it's considered to be derogatory. Since the word that "wigger" is based on is considered to be derogatory and racist, I don't see how "wigger" can be seen as anything less than derogatory and racist.
OK, here's the twist: it is generally accepted that black folk CAN use the N-word for and amonst themselves, so whether or not the N-word is considered to be racist depends upon the context in which it is used. I have black friends, and some of them call each other the N-word all the time and no one gets upset. By the same token, white people should be able to say wigger, shouldn't they? I mean, I call myself a cracker all the time when I'm in mixed company, and I usually get quite a laugh from my darker-skinned friends (my white friends are less impressed, but screw 'em). Furthermore, wigger is supposed to mean someone who is white but acts and dresses like they were black. This, of course, is a misconception. What many people assume is "dressing black" is simply dressing in urban style. OK, so maybe black culture has had the greatest single influence on urban culture and music, but that doesn't mean that just because a white guy dresses like other people in the inner city that he's trying to be black, just stylish! Does this mean that if you dress like a farmer you're "dressing white"? Tell that to Donald Trump!
I think in the end, we all need to just chill a bit on the language (ohmygod, I said "chill"! Does that make me a wigger?) Words are words and they can't hurt you unless you let them. However, the words we choose say alot about who we are and how we think. Don't worry about whether this guy's one comment was racist. Instead, observe his general behaviour and language over time and see if he seems to be holding something against some ethnic groups. It's not the words that cause damage, but the attitude itself and actions it promotes.
BTW, I gotta say that Y! Answer's censoring of my answer is bogus. I tried to use the ACTUAL N-word and Y! bleeped them with **** ! How can we practise free speech (and discuss free speech) if our words are being arbitrarily censored?
2006-10-20 15:44:31
answer #4
answered by Dim 2
It's time to find a new job. Your boss will not change and there isn't anything you can do about it.
I think it is time that people stop trying to "read" everything as racist. If you perceive it as racist, that's your business.
Sometimes you have to "let go" of perceived racism! It's impossible to conquer! You can't fight all battles, especially if it is not a life or death. You cannot stop people from saying what they want to say. What can you do about the comment? NOTHING!
You can't change your boss. Get another job. Your boss is not going to change. It is obviously not an environment in which you should work.
Update your resume and look for another job.
You have to let some things roll-off your back. You cannot make people into what you think they should be, do or say.
I sense your hurt, but, hon, you cannot change the world. People are going to say and do what they feel.
2006-10-20 15:32:24
answer #5
answered by newyorkgal71 7
it sounds like immaturity. Wigger is really just saying "wanna be black" nowadays, not the N word. She puts people in catogories, obviously.Shes the type of person that feels the need to label everybody.Feel sorry for her that she is trapped in that sense. If her comments truely bother and offend you, first tell her, she may not be aware.Then if that doesnt work report it.Don't listen to the 2nd hand things though, if you dont hear it you really cant be sure it was said.
2006-10-20 15:28:34
answer #6
answered by cherokee 4
No i dont think it is. Mainly because he is mixing races. He is taking black culture and trying to make it his own. A wigger is just a white man trying to be black. The white man probably hates his own race. I am a hybrid. Meaning I have White Black Mexican all in one. I have the best qualities of all of them. I dont buy in to racism if some one wants to call me a Nigggger WIggggger Beanerrr I dont give a Shiiiit because i dont let it bother me.
2006-10-20 15:29:16
answer #7
answered by unkown 3
Stupidity and racism are running rampant in all races and ethnicity's. Unfortunately, there isn't much anyone can do about it on an individual basis. People have to experience it for themselves and make the change. Sadly, even then it makes no difference to some. I suggest you tell your boss that comments like that make you uncomfortable.
2006-10-20 19:26:36
answer #8
answered by jipsi 2
Yes, it was a racist remark and someone in employment at that level shouldn't be doing that kind of job if they have to come out with smut like that.So what if he was wearing urban gear its very popular in the uk, it's almost like saying an African American can't wear a suit. She should be diciplined.
2006-10-20 16:12:05
answer #9
answered by Countess 5
Proud White Americans would respect other races.
Referring to someone as Ni++++ is the behavior of an Idiotic American.
Racism is compound Stupidity!
2006-10-20 15:46:47
answer #10
answered by Roxton P 4
that is very racist i work at an eye doctor in a very small southern town and we had an old man come in and he had got his glasses somewhere else and he wanted me to read the rx to see if it had changed from his old glasses and it did a little so i told him that is why he was having trouble seeing out of them and he came back and said it was cause that damn *igger had made his glasses and i tried to ignore him and i just said well everybody has to work and make a living he just kept on and on cursing and talking about people he went to leave and he turned around and said oh and by the way if lazy A** white people would go to work these *iggers and mexicans would not be taking our jobs i had all i could take so i let loose on his old *** and told him my family was of mixed colors and i loved everybody because jesus does he got mad and stormed out anyway i hate racist pigs well hate is to strong of a word
2006-10-20 15:33:40
answer #11
answered by Waynes Angel 3