The Fair Credit Repprting Act makes it illegal for a person to obtain an unauthorized credit check on another person. Call the Federal Trade Commission consumer line and report him. The Federal Trade Commission will be able to let you know if he did violate the law. Look up the FTC on their website
2006-10-20 08:51:06
answer #1
answered by J T 3
The regulations will variety from state to state, you prefer to verify your state's regulations on ideal credit verification. determine which you do do quite some checking merely before working the credit by way of, to maintain your lower back coated and the save -- in concept a card ought to be stolen or is getting used without permission. the girls may be utilising their boyfriend's or husband's card, or maybe declare they're (a obtainable lie), and you will no longer know despite the fact that if that's a joint account or no longer from merely the cardboard. Your supervisor might know, yet a close-by manger ought to locate out.
2016-11-24 20:06:06
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I'm betting your Ex did this to gain information needed for an alimony or child support case. If he is checking your credit in order to prepare for a trial, he IS within his rights to get your credit report if your financials have a bearing on the trial. He SHOULD ask you for it. But if he has reason to believe that you would not supply it, or if he has asked and you didn't supply it, then he is within the law to go and get it himself.
You said he did it for no reason. I'm betting you just don't know yet what his reason was.
2006-10-20 08:20:27
answer #3
answered by Chredon 5
yes, they need your permission
every time you check your credit it will lower your score... i found this out when shopping for a car. and was allowing dealerships to run a credit check. finally someone asked why i was checking my credit every few days... the credit burrow thinks that you must have some past do bills or something that's why they keep getting asked...
2006-10-20 08:20:24
answer #4
answered by Rob B 69 3
If he was able to do it, then maybe it isn't illegal. You used to be married. That is the problem with divorce. When you got married, you joined your finances together. My dad kept using credit cards that my mom was responsible for paying, and it showed up negative,y on her credit. You just have to keep going to ALL of the accounts you have EVER had jointly, and make sure that your name is off of them. Then, you need to check your credit and make sure he hasn't done anything that is on there. But other than that, I don't think it was illegal.
2006-10-20 08:17:44
answer #5
answered by hichefheidi 6
Call one of the credit bureaus...they should know who can legally have access to your credit history and can probably steer you to a copy of the statutes.
2006-10-20 08:16:57
answer #6
answered by butrcupps 6
Certain lenders are allowed to make inquiries but a person can not obtain a credit report on another person without the subjects permission.
The trial stuff is BS.
2006-10-20 08:16:08
answer #7
answered by Carp 5
2006-10-20 08:15:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous