Water is very scarce here,I bathe first,then my wife,then my 3 kids.We all share the same water.
As water is so scarce we save used bath water to drink later.
This happens about once every six weeks providing we have had enough rain to fill the bath to a depth of 2 inches.
Hope this satisfies your curiousity.
2006-10-20 07:26:05
answer #1
answered by jixer 3
In the UK water has been short in the south so there were some restrictions put on, but it was all directed at watering plants and the like rather than water used for cooking or hygiene. I grew up in the hygiene-obsessed US but over here people seem to bathe/shower about the same amount, although many people seem not to wash their hair every day. (Which is meant to be healthier for hair, but I can't kick the daily shampoo habit!)
2006-10-20 07:38:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We in France bathe at least every 3 months, (not always by immersing the whole body you understand)!
We have always been taught that 'cleanliness is next to Godliness' !!
We French men also insist that our women shave under at least one armpit every other year!!
We don't care about 'water shortage' what is that 'water' exactly! We don't really need it in France we have wine! But if you are asking about the rest of Europe then the English 'pig rats' need to wash and shower much more than the rest of us, to wash away the sins of their ancestors !!!
Hope this helps with your research???
By the way, I understand you have an awful lot of nuts in Brazil? I hope these are washed before being shipped to us??
Nothing worse than smelly nuts!!!
2006-10-20 08:06:41
answer #3
answered by budding author 7
Well I am british and I tend to shower everyday! However if I have a day where i'm not doing anything then occasionally I will not bother to shower! Do Brazillians wash everyday??
2006-10-20 07:19:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I lived in Germany for 5 years, it seemed their bathing habits were the same as in the US.
2006-10-20 07:16:23
answer #5
answered by Skuya!!! 4
provided that Europe spreads from the Baltic to the Mediterranean, and from the North Atlantic to someplace around the Russian steps, are you asking with reference to the showering conduct of ALL those peoples! ...and with a undeniable or a No answer? you may desire to be honestly happy and or merely 'love great sweeping generalisations.' Sash.
2016-11-24 20:01:42
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Well im scottish and shower/bath daily.
2006-10-20 07:41:15
answer #7
answered by vickicraig86@btinternet.com 3
I am German and I have a shower everyday, there is no control of using water.
2006-10-20 07:19:29
answer #8
answered by Elly 5
we bathe once a month whether we need to or not... we darent miss the chance as we dont know when it'll happen again...
most of us stand outside in the rain with our bars of unperfumed white soap...
2006-10-20 07:19:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
it's usual to bathe once (or twice if you're daring) a year. don't you know it's very unhealthy to bathe!
2006-10-20 08:11:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous