United States, but not without a struggle.
1788United States of America (to stand for election)
1893New Zealand (to vote)
1907Norway (to stand for election)*
1915Denmark, Iceland*
1917Canada (to vote)*, Netherlands (to stand for election)
1918Austria, Canada (to vote)*, Estonia, Georgia1, Germany, Hungary, Ireland*, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, United Kingdom*
1919Belarus, Belgium (to vote)*, Luxembourg, Netherlands (to vote), New Zealand (to stand for election), Sweden*, Ukraine
Election poster
British suffragette poster of 1905
Back to Women in politics
1920Albania, Canada (to stand for election)*, Czech Republic, Iceland**, Slovakia, United States of America (to vote)
1921Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium (to stand for election)*, Georgia1, Sweden**
1924Kazakhstan1, Mongolia, Saint Lucia, Tajikistan
1928Ireland**, United Kingdom**
1929Ecuador*, Romania*
1930South Africa (Whites), Turkey (to vote)
1931Chile*, Portugal*, Spain, Sri Lanka
1932Brazil, Maldives, Thailand, Uruguay
1934Cuba, Portugal*, Turkey (to stand for election)
1935Myanmar (to vote)
1938Bolivia*, Uzbekistan
1939El Salvador (to vote)
1942Dominican Republic
1944Bulgaria, France, Jamaica
1945Croatia, Guyana (to stand for election), Indonesia, Italy, Japan1, Senegal, Slovenia, Togo
1946Cameroon, D.P.R. of Korea, Djibouti (to vote), Guatemala, Liberia, Myanmar (to stand for election), Panama**, Romania**, The F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yugoslavia
1947Argentina, Japan1, Malta, Mexico (to vote), Pakistan, Singapore
1948Belgium**, Israel, Niger, Republic of Korea, Seychelles, Suriname
1949Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile**, China, Costa Rica, Syrian Arab Republic (to vote)*
1950Barbados, Canada (to vote)**, Haiti, India
1951Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Nepal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
1952 Bolivia**, Côte d'Ivoire, Greece, Lebanon
1953Bhutan, Guyana (to vote), Mexico (to stand for election), Syrian Arab Republic**
1954Belize, Colombia, Ghana
1955Cambodia, Eritrea2, Ethiopia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru
1956Benin, Comoros, Egypt, Gabon, Mali, Mauritius, Somalia
1957Malaysia, Zimbabwe (to vote)**
1958Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Lao P.D.R., Nigeria (South)
1959Madagascar, San Marino (to vote), Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania
1960Canada (to stand for election)**, Cyprus, Gambia, Tonga
1961Bahamas*, Burundi, El Salvador (to stand for election), Malawi, Mauritania, Paraguay, Rwanda, Sierra Leone
1962Algeria, Australia**, Monaco, Uganda, Zambia
1963Afghanistan, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kenya, Morocco, Papua New Guinea (to stand for election)
1964Bahamas**, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Papua New Guinea (to vote), Sudan
1965Bostwana, Lesotho
1967Democratic Republic of the Congo (to vote), Ecuador**, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Yemen (D.P. R.)
1968Nauru, Swaziland
1970Andorra (to vote), Democratic Republic of the Congo (to stand for election), Yemen (Arab Republic)
1973Andorra (to stand for election), Bahrain3, San Marino (to stand for election)
1974Jordan, Solomon Islands
1975Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Vanuatu1
1977Guinea Bissau
1978Nigeria (North), Republic of Moldova1, Zimbabwe (to stand for election)
1979Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Fed. States), Palau
1980Iraq, Vanuatu1
1984Liechtenstein, South Africa (Coloureds + Indians)
1986Central African Republic, Djibouti (to stand for election)
1993Kazakhstan1, Republic of Moldova1
1994South Africa (Blacks)
2006-10-20 03:31:02
answer #6
answered by tampico 6