This is a bit long but it is the best information I could cull in a short time; hope it helps.
Known as 'She of the Bast'
She takes the popular form of a cat.
She is not as fierce as Sekhmet or
Pakhet and is known more for her
healing and protective qualities.
In Egyptian religion, a goddess worshiped first as a lioness and later as a cat. Her nature changed after the domestication of the cat c. 1500 BC. She had cults at Bubastis in the Nile delta and at Memphis. In the Late and Ptolemaic periods, large cemeteries of mummified cats were created at both sites, and thousands of bronze statuettes of the goddess were deposited as votive offerings. Bastet is represented as a lioness or a woman with a cat's head, usually holding a bag, a breastplate, and a sistrum (wire rattle). The Romans carried her cult to Italy.
Goddess of Cats, Lady of Light
Pantheon: Egyptian
Element: Fire
Sphere of Influence: Protection and Entertainment
Preferred colors: Red, Green, White
Associated symbol: Cat
Animals associated with: Cat
Best day to work with: Monday
Best time to work with: Dawn
Strongest around Imbolc
Suitable offerings: Flowers, Wine
Associated Planet: Moon
Bast is goddess of cats, and protects them vehemently. Like a mother defending her young, her wrath knows no bounds when her charges are threatened. She is also known as a goddess of life and joy, as well as a guardian of women. She will offer unmatched protection to those she favors. She is also associated with dancing, music, sex and pleasure. Although a defender of Re the sun god, she became associated with the Moon, and with Pleasure, Music and Dance.
2006-10-20 01:34:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Cats, especially, yes. But, ALL animals are sacred to Bast. Interesting that Her feast day was celebrated with unbridled enthusiasm in Egypt on October 31 with wine, singing and dancing, partying and gaeity.
> I haven't found any particular gemstones and/or herbs sacred to Bast although I understand that she loves beautiful gems and I'd guess catnip to be a favorite. Have you tried
2006-10-20 05:29:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous