bad back ache but in myself i felt fine
2006-10-19 21:26:19
answer #1
answered by mothertiggy 4
I dont think there is any one definate sign, I have been through 5 labours and they were all different (with one obvious common denominator!) If its a first labour I wouldnt start packing your bags at the first twinge ( are you having hospital or home confinement?) One of the main common feelings is the nesting thing, you know -deciding at 3am that you need to rearrange the nusery- paint the hall ceiling and other things really completely inpractical for a woman in your condition! Also once you begin doing said ridiculous redecorating etc you find that you put down the paint brush turn round and completly misplace the damn thing. This is gods way of telling you not to try and do anything other than grow a baby right now ! It will probbaly also result in you screaming at anyone with the misfortune to be around at this joyous time because of course it was them who moved the paint brush/ changed the t.v channel/ got you in this bloody state in the first place and now they must pay! There are other feelings like not wanting to stray to far from home, or deciding when your already all the way across town that youre having an odd ache and must go imediately. This will send your partner/husband into a blind panic and he will lose the car keys, you will at this point (see as before) tell him that he is useless etc and blame him for every wrong thing in the world. This is also someone up theres hysterical way of telling you not to leave the house at this juncture! theres all those midnight trips to the loo which is natures way of preparing you for never again having a full nights sleep! All of these things are just a test for the future and how much your patience can cope with once your little angel becomes a teenager! ah yes and ive done it not once but 5 times. which only proves that if nothing else women have a great sense of humour!
Seriously though about a week or so before hand in a first pregnancy the baby will engage and you will notice a change in the shape of your bump, it looks like an egg that has gone from being pointy end up to pointy end down! Be patient, the only real advice i would give is dont let the offer of induction
get the better of you.This is really only neccessary if youve gone 3-4 weeks overdue, it increases the likelyhood of other medical interventions and prolongs labour generally. No good midwife is ever normally in a rush to induce ( unless there is a problem of course) A slow labour and a long lead up gives the body a chance to open up slowly and means youll recover more quickly and the baby will be better prepared for the labour also . think of it like running a marathon you need to warm up regardless of how much training youve done to prepare. I do remember what it was like, it seems like its going to go on forever sometimes. Just take the opportunity to chill out, read watch movies and stuff it is probably the only time in your life when you will be actively encouraged to do absolutly nothing! Enjoy it
2006-10-20 07:21:31
answer #2
answered by claudy 2
I remember this well seems as i only had a baby on monday night! All last week i felt really uncomfortable and i couldn't stop cleaning even though the house wasn't dirty, even if there was a toy on the floor i'd have to clean. Also i just ached all over. Sunday my tummy felt funny, i can't explain it just weird and not quite right, i suppose a bit bloated maybe. Monday I had braxton hicks all day really strong and on monday night it turned in to labour. I was in labour for 4 hours 10mins before giving birth to my beautiful baby girl Ella Rose. I think Everybody feels different just before it happens. I asked the same sort of question last week.
Good Luck with your labour and let me know how it goes!
2006-10-20 09:34:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My son was born 18 days overdue so I was huge, uncomfortable and very very tired. I hate to say it but the last week was totally miserable, I was having false labour pains for 8 hours a day and that wasn't much fun I can tell you!
When I finally went into labour I was terrified (I was only 19 and my husband was useless!) but after 36 hours of labour my son made his debut at a healthy 9lb. He's almost 18 years old now.
These days they wouldn't let someone go that far over term so at least you won't have anything like my experience hopefully!!
2006-10-20 04:44:07
answer #4
answered by Nedster 2
my wife says she felt all sorts of emotions. firstly she felt worried because she knew what the pain was like. she then started to panic and started the nesting phase.after everything was shiny and literally so bright it hurt my eyes she calmed down. the most important thing to remember is giving birth is natures way of getting your baby to you.when you go into labour just think of your baby. so what if the hoovering has only been done 2 times today or theres a cup and plate in the sink.when in labour my wife was saying oh god the windows are dirty then pushing then saying to me did you iron the baby sheets and gros.i was lucky that she is good with labour and im glad she wasnt petrified of it
2006-10-20 11:42:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sunday-felt a bit yucky -very tired, monday went into a mad cleaning frenzy, felt fine on tuesday, waters broke that night but no contractions. In hospital leaking water wed-fri, baby born 6.30 saturday morning after about 3 hours labour (my second) and he was lush-he's nearly 7 now!
2006-10-20 04:36:16
answer #6
answered by Twisty 4
Huge (my last child, a girl, was a week late), uncomfortable, unable to sleep, eat properly, put my own knickers on, or do anything I wanted to! I had no signs of labour until the day itself, I just wanted her out!
2006-10-20 04:31:26
answer #7
answered by Roxy 6
I was fed up and starting to think it was never going to happen. As soon as i gave up and started to accept that i was going to be pregnant forever i went into labour. Now its a year later and my daughter is one next friday, the time flies.
2006-10-20 04:34:10
answer #8
answered by yeahbutnobut 3
Well i was huge got all the stretch marks to prove lol.
I was 2 weeks overdue i just wanted to get it over with and getting induced took 2 days 2 work. But it was all worth it in the end
2006-10-20 08:31:55
answer #9
answered by angel_00_uk 2
I felt very anxious. I wanted to get everything done for the baby. I didn't go through the whole wanting to clean all the time phase though. I started having bad back aches and got cramps real bad in my legs. Couldn't get comfortable for nothin, hard time sleeping. etc!!!!! Worried alot. Hoped i would be a good mother.
2006-10-20 04:35:07
answer #10
answered by Hydimyangel 3
I was very irritable and kept picking quarrels with my husband.I hated everything around me and just wanted it to come and go.I and my husband just finished settling a quarrel we just had at about 12 midnight and slept off by 2 am my labor started i woke him up but he didn't believe me cos i was not due until in about 2 more weeks.The contractions just got stronger and after eight hours of labor she finally came into the world.Am expecting my second and am very excited about it.
2006-10-20 06:21:13
answer #11
answered by sadia 2