If you are in a financial position you can repay, or if the money was loaned with the expectation of repayment, then yes. They may refuse it, but you should at least offer.
2006-10-19 20:49:14
answer #1
answered by Sir Ed 4
No way. Parents are obligated to help out their kids any way they can. Parenthood is and is meant to be a 1-way street. Parents GIVE. Education is super-important and should not be muddied up with repayment obligations if it can be avoided. Parenthood means sacrifice. Kids shouldn't be expected to work stupid jobs for meager pay to help pay for education unless there is absolutely no other alternative; kids should focus on education 1st.
People who think kids should pay them back like this shouldn't even bother having kids.
2006-10-20 04:04:41
answer #2
answered by Babyface 3
NO. It is the parents' obligation to provide for the child's basic needs (i.e., food, shelter, clothing, education, safety). Sending a kid to school should therefore NEVER be seen as a debt that a child should repay. The children did not ask to be born into this world, after all.
In some cultures, however, it is customary for the children to help out their parents when the former have "flown the coop" and are able to provide for themselves. This, however, is borne out of the children's love and respect for their parents, and never out of a sense of debt.
2006-10-20 04:29:09
answer #3
answered by chuchay 2
No the kids should not have to pay them back if no agreement was made to that effect. Other wise just stay in gear to help your parents should they need your help in the future.
2006-10-20 04:02:27
answer #4
answered by JoJoBa 6
NO! It is their legal duty to pay for you until you are 18!!! If they chose to send you to a private school that is their problem and they cannot use it to psychologically put pressure on you!!
2006-10-20 03:42:45
answer #5
answered by INC0GNIT0 5
not an obligation but a way of appreciation by offern some help when u can...
2006-10-20 03:55:31
answer #6
answered by aasweet 3
no way, a poor excuse of a parent would only ask for a refund.
2006-10-20 03:48:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous