If he were to act on that impulse, it would be cheating - see some people think if a girl is with a girl and sleeps with a man (or with a man and sleeps with a girl) - then it is not cheating and vice versa for men... but - most people think that being with any other person while you are in a relationship with anyone is cheating - it is more about the individual and that you wanted someone else than it is about that persons' gender.
It also matters if this guy is in an exclusive relationship with this girl where theyhave agreed not to see other people - if so and this guy were to be with another man,it would be cheating. Adultery is really cheating on a spouse I think but it would be cheating. If you had not agreed to be exclusive then it would not be - but I think it is always best to be open and honest when it comes to these things.. I would want to know. And - the girl knew this guy is bi so she probably knew that he would be attracted to men at some point but it matters if they were committed to each other or not.. how was that for confusing.. haha :o)
2006-10-19 20:12:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I do not know you personally so it is not directed at you. Yet I must admit I do not understand how it is that when a guy says he's Gay/Bi he get's to do whatever he wants. Then he basically wants people to celebrate his newest feelings with him at all costs. I mean what gives? If you agreed to be in a relationship with someone you really shouldn't put yourself in positions where you "might meet someone who gives you butterflies". I mean really. It is getting to be too much. Why is it because the person who can flip at a moments notice has to be constantly catered to? You know do whatever of course but you may really want to stop dragging people's hearts, emotions, egos and any other part with you. If it is not real or just temporary I sure hope they know.
2006-10-19 20:17:24
answer #2
answered by rosezealous 2
Define "checking out". Are you talking about just looking or looking with intent to follow through and have sex?
Looking isn't a "crime" unless it actually causes the person you are with, problems.
If you are having sex other than with your supposedly chosen date/mate that is cheating and cheating is considered adultery regardless of the genders involved.
2006-10-20 00:01:49
answer #3
answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6
Your going to find persons of both sexes attractive most bisexuals do.
Heterosexual people find other people than their partners attractive it isn't adultery in either case unless you have a relationship with someone other than your partner.
2006-10-19 20:57:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
He can check them out as much as he wants to but just can't touch (unless he has an open relationship with his girl). Even straight married men are constantly checking out other babes and it is as the saying goes. "Just because your on a diet doesn't mean you can't read the menu."
2006-10-19 20:12:41
answer #5
answered by yaxman1964 2
no..unless he is having sex with the guy. this is the problem I have with being bi..I love women and want men sexually..mainly well hung guys..I am into size ..even though I am only have an average package..it seams I want to nail almost every women I meet..I dint know why..maybe I am too horny..or just a slyt..hell I even masturbated to the home shopping network..and food channel..yes..rachel ray..is hot..in her cute little way..
2006-10-22 04:46:55
answer #6
answered by Kingofreportedabuse 3
You can only commit adultery if you're married. You can only commit adultery if there is vaginal penetration, because, legally, marriage can only occur between a man and a woman (unfortunately for me). You don't commit adultery simply by looking at other people.
How old are you?
2006-10-19 20:38:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
G'day Daniel R,
If all he does is check them out, it isn't adultery. However, his partner may call him out on it but they may be checking out the same guy. :>)
It has to get physical before it is considered adultery. Generally, sexual intercourse with someone other than your partner is the generally accepted definition although other sexual acts such as oral sex are included.
I have attached sources for your reference.
2006-10-19 20:18:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
LOL, if it's a life time agreement between them thenits adultery, if not nothing is wrong babe.
Smile Always.
2006-10-19 20:11:44
answer #9
answered by chatkid 2
Agree with Indy T. -if you define "checking out" as just looking, no problem. If it involves more than that, it's not right.
2006-10-20 00:07:21
answer #10
answered by Dragon 7