The question you should be asking yourself is, are you ready to have a baby? Is your man a responsible person or somebody that do things out of impulse without thinking of the consequences?
2006-10-19 18:16:29
answer #1
answered by estranghr00 1
I will answer this, but I'm sure that it will do no good. Feeling good is no reason to do anything unless it also makes sense. At 15, you should not be having sex, and you should not be having a baby.
If you want to be successful:
1. Get your education (at least finish high school).
2. Then get a job which you should keep until you can get a better one.
3. Don't get pregnant until you are married.
4. Get married to someone that it is likely that you can stay married to and who will be a protector/provider for you and your children.
5. Raise your children to follow similar rules.
Good luck and God Bless.
2006-10-19 18:22:47
answer #2
answered by DrB 7
Yes, that's wrong.
Having sex is not wrong; having a child at your age is wrong.
You have to remember what it is to have a child: you're creating another person. It isn't like getting a new tv, or playing with dolls; having a child is something that lasts for 18 years, and it requires an extraodinary amount of time, energy, and money.
In order to have and raise a child, you need to be able to care for the every need of another human being, and you need to be able to teach them everything they'll need to know in order to survive and prosper in life. And you'll have to do that for 18 years.
First of all, you're 15 - you do not have the money or the time or the maturity to be responsible for the well-being of another person.
Secondly, what you describe is the wrong reason for having a child.
You should only have a baby if you *want* to be responsible for another person for 18 years. That means sacrificing hundreds of thousands of dollars and losing 18 years of your life - assuming, of course, that you want to raise a good human being, and not a homicidal sociopath.
When he gets out, you should dump him.
In fact, don't even wait that long - dump him now. Being associated with people like him will only hurt you in life. You need a boyfriend who is a hard working, decent individual; one who is not involved in a gang and who does not violate the law on regular occasion.
If he refuses to go away, call the police and have him thrown in jail again.
2006-10-19 18:12:36
answer #3
answered by extton 5
Yes it's wrong. At 15 you are not grown up enough to care for the child in a way that it deserves. That you want a child when you are in the situation that you describe and apparently haven't finished your education (judging by your writing) shows that you are not mature enough to handle the responsibility. It's selfish it's all about you, and there is no thought about how it will be for the child.
Teenagers do have children, my mother was 16 when she had me. That doesn't mean that she was mature enough to have a child and I'm the one that has had to pay for her mistakes.
You are old enough to mess up your own life, but please don't mess up the life of an innocent child too.
2006-10-19 18:32:51
answer #4
answered by *duh* 5
Yes, it is wrong.
I had worked for years in the government hospital. Most of the patients are gangsters who ended-up in the wheelchair because they got shot down or stabbed. On a daily basis, I always have to look around to be sure that there is no knives or guns because we don't want to have another shoot-out or fight.
When I was fifteen, I was too busy going out to nightclubs and studying on weeknights until midnight and studying every weekends so that I could go to a university.
There are so many nice, good gentlemen. These men can provide financial support and they don't go to jail. These men are called College graduate, but you want to focus on University college-graduate for financial support and a peace of mind.
2006-10-19 18:18:02
answer #5
answered by SweetBrunette 5
Honey, grow up first. Your only fifteen, that is way to young to start having babies. U still have so much to look forward to besides how your kid is going to survive, especially if this guy you "love" is in jail. What kind of life could you provide a little helpless baby? You need to work on your own life and firgure out what your going to do with youself before you bring another life into it,you get me?
2006-10-19 18:15:58
answer #6
answered by crchase16 3
I got pregnant when I was 15 and I was in 'love'. But it certainly was wrong. My son still lives with his gramma and he is 13. He has a lot of mental anguish and a lot of issues that need to be dealt with. You are soooooooooooooo not ready to have a baby. If i could change anything in my life (and i have had a MESSED UP life with lots of TERRIBLE things in it) I would not have had a baby at 16. Go to school, go to college, then have babies, when you are mature and finacially responsible. Your parents and his will be the ones paying and doing a lot of stuff for you. You will hurt your parents and his and he will probably leave you anyway. Young boys do not stay with fat pregnant tennage girls, they go out on you behind your back with the ines who still look hot. DON"T DO IT YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-10-19 18:17:04
answer #7
answered by L.J. 4
I am not going to say you are "wrong", but it is definitely not a good idea to be having a baby at such a young age. You're still a a baby yourself! :)
I have absolutely no idea what it is like to be apart of a gang, but all I can say is, you are young, stay in school, have fun being a kid (if you can!), there is plenty of time to worry about boyfriends and babies in the future.
Good luck to you
2006-10-19 18:16:03
answer #8
answered by Not_a_toothless_pirate 4
Dont have a baby, they drag down your life, go live first, see the world, then have kids.
ALSO, who the hell is going to raise the kid? You ? What is your income? Takes a little more than Mcdonalds to provide a good life for a child you hillbilly bumpkin,
Dont be stupid, learn to write in the English language or you will pass your lack of knowledge to your welfare baby.
2006-10-19 18:13:39
answer #9
answered by Thin Ice 3
It is VERY selfish to want a child at your age.
See, you don't really want a child. Your hormones a flowing or you want to keep him but you don't really want a baby.
When you want a baby you want to give it the best of everything.
A 15 y/o mother and a daddy in jail isn't even close to good, much less the best you could give a child.
2006-10-19 18:14:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous