monopoly is tried and true.. as well as Life, scrabble, uno, yatzee, sorry, rummy, go fish, and other card games.
Let's not forget the never out of date chess and checkers i think cave men and even people today still enjoy and even compete with those games.
2006-10-19 17:49:44
answer #1
answered by hotredhead2655 2
I am really telling my age here. I played hop scotch. Big thing to do when you live in the metropoulis. There are lots of sidewalks. We always lived near a train track and we would stand under the viaduct waiting for the trains to pass by because the caboose attendant threw us kids chalk & it was like GOLD to us. Then we jumped rope a lot . Double Dutch, two ropes. There was always a major competition going on somewhere closeby. Dogde ball in the street. I think kids still play that today, but maybe not in the street like we did. Sounds boring, I know, but sometimes I wish I could go back.
2006-10-19 17:58:42
answer #2
answered by cola 5
We played games outdoors like hide and go seek, built forts, and stayed out until the street lights came on. Nowadays, it is too dangerous to allow kids to play outside. We have to worry about pedophiles and perverts. It is a sad situation.
2006-10-19 17:53:42
answer #3
answered by notyou311 7
Yeah kids still play them but mostly on the internet. They have ping pong, space invaders, pac man, frogger, and even programs that run old gaming systems such as Sega Genesis, Nintendo, and Super Nintendo.
2006-10-19 17:50:45
answer #4
answered by Gypsy Cat 4