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Someone asked this question before on answers but it got me interested and thinking?? do we have a pre-concieved though or opinion on someone before we know them based purely on their name?? Try this.. I have attatched a list of Girls and Boys names.. tell me what first come to mind when you here thiis name..
Thanks for participating :)

Girls Names -
Sarah, Tori , Kristy , Raynee, Angelica ,Tove, Carly, Antoinette, Margaret...

Boys Names
Aaron, John, Wade, Mikale, Nicholas, Trent, Matthew, Chay, Gordon...

Thanks once again... :) Coulld be interesting!!

2006-10-19 17:34:19 · 11 answers · asked by channille 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

11 answers

Well, from my name, they can definitely know that I'm of Italian ancestry. I used an Americanized nickname in school, though.

I'll comment on the names you've mentioned here, but do realize that some of my comments might come from having had encounters with people bearing those names, such as Sarah (who I will now always see as a stuck-up drama queen).

Tori: A not-so-serious Victoria.
Kristy: Can I possibly think of anybody but Kristy McNichol?
Raynee: Just another made-up name.
Angelica: Mother Angelica, the famous nun, comes to mind.
Tove: You're kidding, right?
Carly: Carly Simon.
Antoinette: Beats the hell out of Tove.
Margaret: A solid, but old-fashioned name.

Aaron: I know a million of 'em.
John: Generic. Most guys I know with this name go by something else.
Wade: Dork.
Mikale: Mother couldn't spell (it's not spelled right, whether American or Russian).
Nicholas: A basic saint's name.
Trent: Reznor.
Matthew: A solid Biblical name.
Chay: Huh? But if I heard it, without seeing the spelling, I'd assume it was "Che", like Che Guevara.
Gordon: Old-fashioned name, but it seems to be coming back a bit.

2006-10-19 17:50:56 · answer #1 · answered by solarius 7 · 1 0

Sarah- "Sarah Plain and Tall" a book I never read but always saw at the library. It also makes me think of someone tall and skinny with brown hair because my friend is named Sarah.

Tori- Brown hair, short, smart, alternative.

Raynee- Someone slightly hickish, can't tell how to pronounce the name (ray-nay, renee, etc.)

Kristy- blonde, airhead

Angelica- either sweet and angel like as implied by the name or bratty like the girl from Rugrats.

Tove- Not sure how to pronounce the name, gheto possibly, definitely urban

Carly- slutty simply because of people I've known with that name

Antoinette- old fashioned, Victorian, elegant, Kirsten Dunst

Margaret- old, boring

Aaron- urban, childish

John- older, wise

Wade- geeky

Mikale- Urban, African

Nicholas- older,

Trent- Hip

Matthew- the Gospel, wise

Chay- urban

Gordon- geeky, awkward

2006-10-19 17:45:19 · answer #2 · answered by Heather 2 · 0 0

I agree and I've noticed something else. Different spellings of the same name (Christy or Kristy) make a difference too. It's not sure-fire though but I find that girls named Veronica or Misty tend to be slutty.

My name (Brandon) alludes to me being atheletic, charismatic, humorous and a leader which really does express how I see myself and what others have spoken of me.

2006-10-19 17:42:56 · answer #3 · answered by Brandon 4 · 0 0

The thing is if you know someone by that name already you have an idea in your mind as to what that person is like and sometimes it's fairly true. Like Angelica is a character on Rugrats... a naughty kid. Wade is always really loud.

2006-10-19 18:38:18 · answer #4 · answered by auntynoall 4 · 0 0

Sarah - mystic earth mother
Tori - Japanese teen
Kristy - White Anglo Saxon chick
Raynee - Black grade schooler
Angelica - WASP
Tove - Thanks a lot mom & dad
Carly - Hippie chick
Antoinette - French girl, ooh la lah
Margaret - down-to-earth home maker

Aaron - Intellectual narcissist
John - Joe six-pack
Wade - Cool individual
Mikale - Russian computer programmer
Nicholas - Intelligent but odd
Trent - Joe six-pack on steroids
Matthew - Embraced celibacy at age 16
Chay - Dude, where's my surfboard
Gordon - Good dad but boring

Yeah, that was fun.

2006-10-19 17:41:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is absolutely true! I've had it done to me and I do it to other people. For instance, I've never met a Jennifer that I didn't like. The ones I encounter all have the nicest personalities and are uber-friendly. My name is Tiffany and people assume that I'm a snotty, rich girl which is far from the truth.

2006-10-19 17:43:16 · answer #6 · answered by TR 1 · 0 0

till now tatoos grew to become so known by way of rock bands and persons like Dennis Rodman they have been markings of white trash, prostitutes and junkies alike. at present is diverse. It has grow to be rather regarded. Unfortunally it nevertheless contains a stigmata of old stereotypes. in case you establish to get a tat then you definitely gotta take those adverse sterotypes with you. stable with the undesirable. in any different case do no longer do it. despite the fact that if it extremely is retarded ..i can't provide up thinking "tramp stamp" as quickly as I see a woman with a decrease lower back tattoo.. words which includes "****" and "she gets around i see" is embedded in my way of thinking. complicated to interrupt old conduct no rely in the event that they're actual or no longer. determining directly to have a tattoo you may desire to settle for there will be people who will decide you. there is no longer something you're able to do to alter it. The trick is to no longer care.

2016-11-24 19:16:54 · answer #7 · answered by crego 3 · 0 0

Sarah - wholesome
Tori - sl*t
Kristy - cheerleader
Raynee - hippie chick
Angelica - sweet
Tove - WTF?
Carly - horse toothed
Antoinette - contrived
Margaret - good Catholic girl
Aaron - ex-Jewish boyfriend
John - steady, strong
Wade - butt faced ex-boyfriend
Mikale - Russian hottie
Nicholas - athletic
Trent - mechanic
Matthew - lawyer
Chay - gay
Gordon - UPS driver with cute buns.

2006-10-19 17:38:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We are a judgemental society. Everything from shoes, even to our names gets judged. I have a friend whose name is SherRon. (Pronounced shurron) When she introduces herself, sometimes she'll get weird looks. Jokingly she'll say, "My mom's black." Even though she's not, people get that look like, "Oh, that makes sense."

2006-10-19 17:37:38 · answer #9 · answered by NSisifo 3 · 1 0

omg you check to see if ET is under your bed?????? lmao. thats sooo funy. im not saying this to be rude its just soooo funny omg.

2006-10-19 21:08:46 · answer #10 · answered by experiMENTAL bunny 6 · 0 0

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