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When blacks came here whites didn't integrate Blacks with them, blacks on bottom of boat whites on top. They never integraded Blacks into society from buses, schools, restaurants, jobs etc. This was done soley on racism the thoght that a black man was 3/5th a man. Even 40 years ago blacks couldn't vote and now they say Blacks segregate themselves, How?

How can one group segregate another 400 years base soley on racism? Then when that group learn that if they didn't want them integraded with them they start their own thing.

So is that hypocritical, it may show insecurities or even racism? Why or Why not?

2006-10-19 17:20:55 · 6 answers · asked by justme 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

6 answers

Plain old human nature. Most folks like to be around others like themselves.

2006-10-22 04:18:24 · answer #1 · answered by Tennessee_whiskey6969 3 · 1 0

I don't really understand your logic. Your second and third paragraphs are pretty vague. Blacks DO segregate themselves. It's funny, because they fought so hard to end it in the 50's, and now they've started it themselves. It's one-sided, though. Black people can have all-black societies and groups, TV shows, radio stations, etc. and they tend to hang out with their own. Imagine a white man doing that; an all white group would be considered Neo-Nazi or associated with the KKK.

2006-10-19 19:15:07 · answer #2 · answered by Gotohell 1 · 0 0

I don't think it's segregation as much as it is poverty. Not that I'm saying all black people live in poverty but a good deal of them do. Which is understandable when poverty area's have really bad schools, at least where I'm from. So it becomes a cycle of bad education and then poverty. So some spots will have a majority of black people who will then socialize with people in the area, which is mostly black people. If you were to look at a successful black man/woman I'm sure they would have a wide variety of races to socialize with. If a white person lived in an area with a majority of black people that person would socialize with the black people.

2006-10-19 17:46:47 · answer #3 · answered by Gypsy Cat 4 · 0 0

I swear purely 40 3 years in the past criminal segregation against black human beings became recognized by ability of your rules properly there are people who stay as much as one hundred and your existence expectancy is over 70 and you study out of your way of existence first from mum and dad properly many have been use to the segregation and prepare their own races stuff init it is going to take it sluggish to vanish yet keep in mind black human beings have been in u . s . a . of america on the grounds that 1619 and purely interior the final 40 3 years have they been recognized as people so why do you think of their segregation exists its humorous how white human beings can discover that everywhere close to offensive its no longer even effecting you yet helping people who were used to having to help themselves for hundreds of years

2016-10-02 11:53:24 · answer #4 · answered by erlebach 4 · 0 0

Blacks do segregate themselves. They do not want to be associated with white people and most of them are just as racist as the next KKK member. I said MOST, not all. It is just a fact of life that we will always be segregated. Blacks segregate themselves by claiming they were slaves. Who was? Just BLACKS?!?! Hardly the truth. Orientals, whites, arabs, egyptians... almost every race was a slave race at one time. It is all in history, which no one cares to read because ignorance is bliss. So why do we only hear about those poor black slaves?? And why do we only hear what happened to them here? In China, when they recieved their "issue", the black males were castrated so they could not reproduce because they were considered inferior. Most black people even claim they are African American which is the biggest joke I have ever heard. Most "REAL" africans HATE black people and do not even want to be associated with them. I dont understand it either, but I guess I would be pretty pissed off if someone was claiming my land when they cant even trace their roots back there. WE ARE AMERICANS, MOST OF US WERE BORN HERE!!!! So basically they are once again segregating themselves by claiming to be African American. I do not walk around and correct people- " Excuse me sir, I am Swiss American, not just AMERICAN. I want to be put in a different group because I am different." Maybe I should because I am starting to feel left out. Racism and segregation will always exsist. We thrive on it. We are all different and we can't stand it.

2006-10-19 17:40:50 · answer #5 · answered by yoko o 3 · 1 2

It's Hypocritical. Simplicita!

Carpe Diem!

2006-10-23 20:23:14 · answer #6 · answered by afrodyzyak 5 · 0 1

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