Beautiful or not, we all have worries. Am I to fat? Am I to Skinny? Will my boobs get any bigger (though that ones usually reserved for the women ;-)) Anyway, we're all human and we all make mistakes. Even people who say they don't. Do you put your pants on one leg at a time? or do you jump in with both feet? Chances are someone else does it the same as you.
2006-10-19 17:16:36
answer #1
answered by webwriter 4
You're getting a lot of "beauty is only skin deep" Which is a nice saying for ugly people, (I'm sorry to be so harsh, but people need to be realistic!) Some people are beautiful and some are really ugly. I have met some ugly people who have such a great personality that you don't notice how they look.
Anyways to answer your question, of course beautiful people worry. We worry about our kids, our future, things like that. However, I'm sure getting a job, or a mate is a lot easier for a good looking person. Appearance does matter for a first impression, which so much of life is!
2006-10-20 00:33:49
answer #2
answered by butterfliesbrown 3
Beautiful people have as many if not more worries than non. You see...they have to live up to their own expectations of themselves. If they have been called beautiful their whole life , well then that is what they base who they are on. They focus on clothing, hair, looks, makeup, shoes, cars, and trying to be perfect. That is alot to have to work on in todays society. Beautiful people who know it, are always worried if they are enough for someone else, most are insecure and worry too much about themselves to actually put a pair of overalls on , huge boots, and flannel shirts to go fishing and camping...they have to stop at every bathroom at a theme park to make sure their makeup or hair is still well. It is much harder for us to enjoy life like than than the nons. relationships, they suck as well because with the insecurity we always worry if our man will leave for someone more beautiful. I would rather be a non....
2006-10-20 00:18:41
answer #3
answered by bunnylatte 2
Yes they do because sometimes beauty can work against you. You think beauty can make things better, and it does in some circumstances, but people tend to look at you as an object rather than trying to get to know you on the inside, they begin to test your morals. It could be a curse!!!!!!!
2006-10-20 00:27:25
answer #4
answered by robin p 1
we worry, but not about the same things as non beautiful people...haha
do you mean beautiful on the inside or outside?
2006-10-20 00:12:27
answer #5
answered by Frank 3
Of course they do! And most beautiful people think that there's something wrong with them, like their weight or a body part. For example, Mary-Kate Olsen is a really pretty girl, and yet she had anorexia because she thought she was fat, or some other reason...
2006-10-20 00:16:20
answer #6
answered by Abby 1
Of course. Beauty doesn't protect people from sickness, poverty, and fear. Beautiful people can have terrible things happen to them. Think about Jackie Kennedy or Marilyn Monroe.
2006-10-20 00:12:38
answer #7
answered by notyou311 7
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nobody's perfect. There are a lot of people that I think are absoloutly gorgeous that I doubt you would see the same way.
2006-10-20 00:16:12
answer #8
answered by Felixe 2
Of course they do, even more so than average looking ppl, cause they have to uphold their beauty, and so son forth, things of the sort.
2006-10-20 00:12:55
answer #9
answered by ryokoferret 1
More worries than non beautifull people. You see, they get too much attention. Too much people feel attracted to them while they want to be left allone.
2006-10-20 00:39:52
answer #10
answered by lilys_butterflies 1