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Why do they still do that?? Are they not afraid of being arrested and put in jail and do they not mind being arrested ?? Or do they not realize the serious consequences and implications of that?? If it's for the money, is it really worth it if it's illegal and they can be put in jail for that?? Why is it still worth it for them??

2006-10-19 16:43:23 · 6 answers · asked by Raines 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

It's like if you are doing things that are hurting you, why would you still continue to do it if it hurts you?? It's illegal to sell drugs and so why do people do that??

2006-10-19 16:45:55 · update #1

Dealing with drugs is like running the red light at a traffic stop. So, why is it that people still deal with drugs if they know not to run the red light??

2006-10-19 17:44:05 · update #2

6 answers

The thrill is in the chase until you get caught.Whether it's for the money,the high or the recognition by your peers they all believe they won't get caught.This applies to fast driving,sex,food(diabetes,heart problems etc.),legal medications,and gambling.They all catch up with you in time.

2006-10-19 17:39:55 · answer #1 · answered by kalusz 4 · 0 0

I really don't even know where to begin here. You are asking about the nature of crime really. Why would a person do anything that ultimately hurts them. Some people know no other way of life. That's the atmosphere that they were born into and the one they will probably die in. Some people don't care that it's illegal. It's a quick way to make a sum of money that they probably couldn't make any other way. Do they mind being arrested, sure. But then again they've probably been arrested already. I'm not trying to stereotype but there are many repeat offenders out there.So they already understand the consequences and implications of their actions. No matter what people say or what ideals they hold, money is important. If you're ever unfortunate enough to be in a position where you don't have any you will see what I mean. Without money, you're on the street with no food and no clothes. And let's not even bring up if you have family.

I must say though, that to ask a question like this, it sounds as if you have led a sheltered life. Have you or am I way off base?

2006-10-19 17:46:30 · answer #2 · answered by Bri Liz 2 · 0 0

Your question is very logical but you're not dealing with logical minds. For whatever reason many got "hooked" on polysubstances and in order to continue their "high" they start dealing in order to be able to buy more to enhance their habit and also it takes more and more of the drug to produce the same "high" so they are caught trying to catch up to the feeling they want. Most will tell you they didn't start out with that motive in mind, it just happened as they became physically and psychologically addicted. At that point they don't care about the law, jail, consequences, etc. it's all about not getting violent cramping from withdrawal etc (all the other symptomology of withdraw) and just staying focused on their next fix. So yes, if you did not want to go thru violent withdraw you probably would consider doing anything to prevent it.

2006-10-19 17:43:01 · answer #3 · answered by Shaman 3 · 0 0

the money that's confiscated in drug busts plus the money that's recovered in lower back taxes, and so on. is all placed lower back into the DEA's efforts. they at the instant are not staking out drug sellers in BMWs and Mercedes. I have no thought the place you get your information. I honestly have a pair of pals who're DEA brokers and that i will assure you that they at the instant are not using around interior the automobiles you describe. The automobiles they use are somewhat spectacular, as they might desire to be, and are SUVs suited to the tooth with state-of-the-artwork electronics and weapons, as they might desire to be. The DEA is self-helping, in step with what it confiscates and recovers. it extremely is too undesirable that greater government companies would not perform alongside comparable lines. The DEA is beneficial and robust. in terms of regulation enforcement, DEA brokers are between the elite. To propose that they "take" confiscated drugs, weapons or money for his or her own own benefit isn't basically preposterous, that's ignorant and stupid. people who've a controversy with how the DEA operates many times have butted heads and are unhappy with the result.

2016-11-24 19:10:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In a monotonous/material existence, the excitement of deviance & lure of easy wealth will always find followers

Carpe Diem!

2006-10-23 20:23:18 · answer #5 · answered by afrodyzyak 5 · 0 0

its called money... the whole world craves it.

and people do drugs becuase it brings plessure.... the whole world craves that as well.

2006-10-21 22:10:12 · answer #6 · answered by Im not stupid i just dont care 2 · 0 0

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