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I taught with a teacher(middle school) who raised three daughters by himself). His wife wife ran off with someone else when they were toddlers or pre school. They loved him dearly. Do you have a similar experience?

2006-10-19 16:07:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

13 answers

I've always been closer to my father even though he is an alcoholic and has caused a lot of heartache. My mother was very harsh and cruel when I was small, and so I bonded more with my father. He had a temper and was moody but he was nurturing at times. My father was a demanding perfectionist who criticized what I did, but my mother attacked the person I was. I think that causes greater damage.
My mother was particularly abusive as I got older, especially when my father was gone. He abandoned us frequently.
They are still married and I love them and hold no grudges. I feel compassion for them because they are not happy people. I maintain contact with my parents, but a conversation of any substance is only possible with my father. When something is troubling him, he will call me to talk and to ask for prayer. My mother does not go beyond small talk, and I accept that and enjoy the relationship I can have with her.
I am close to all three of my children and they share their hearts with me. I am thankful every day of my life for that.

2006-10-19 17:39:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anne Teak 6 · 1 0

Mother. But that's just my experience. My mother was actually not the best parent in the world, but continues to speak with me on a weekly basis, sympathizes with my problems, and makes herself availbale. My father on the other hand, is a better parent but he's just cold.

2006-10-19 23:23:01 · answer #2 · answered by Ana 5 · 0 0

This may sound kind of weird, but my parents were pretty much equally distant. My mother was profoundly religious, and didn't have much time for me, or for anything else. She very rarely cooked or did housework. My father was an abusive alcoholic and beat the hell out of me, but was around more than my mother was. Not that she wasn't there physically, because she rarely left the house except to go to church, but she shut herself in her room praying, and I just didn't see her all that much, and eventually she had an accident that left her in a coma. Neither one of them had all that much to say to me, except for religious advice. They were both dead by the time I was 15. I feel sorry for them in many ways.

2006-10-19 23:11:46 · answer #3 · answered by solarius 7 · 3 0

I am closer to my Father. He was always more stable and more mature than my Mother.
He was always more accepting and less Judgmental. I was raised by my Mom to believe that He was somehow Godless due to His affiliation with the Shriners, however as I grew I saw that He was the one who portrayed Christ the most to me.

2006-10-19 23:13:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

100% my mother. My father left when I was a baby or to be more correct he decided he didn't want to move so he stayed in his hometwon while me and my mother left. I hold no love or closeness to him. I'd say most people are closer to there mothers but I could be wrong.......

2006-10-19 23:10:49 · answer #5 · answered by Scrappy Doo 3 · 0 0

It was always my dad even though I was terrified of him as a child. It was only until I got to know more of my mother's life (after her death) that I realized I did her a great injustice by doting more on my dad than on her.

2006-10-20 21:54:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i was closer to my father. mother was a bar slut and left us kids with dad. he did his best and it was good enough for me. my first wife did the same thing and i kicked her out and kept my two children. courts agreed with me. raised them myself for 4 years before remarrying. 2nd wife came to my rescue and helped raise them. couldnt have done as good without her.

2006-10-19 23:26:49 · answer #7 · answered by fn_49@hotmail.com 4 · 2 0

luckily both my mother and my father are amazing parents and have integral influences in my life. however if i had to choose I would say that I am closer to my mother.

2006-10-19 23:09:30 · answer #8 · answered by mrs michelle 4 · 0 0

I was my mother's daughter.

My mother

My dad hasn't spoken to me for years because I got along better with my mother than he has...She died last year and he has fail to even call me to say he was sorry.

I hate my family because they have all lead selfish lives and left me alone to care for her until the moment she drew her last breath.

2006-10-19 23:10:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm blessed to love them equally. Maybe mom by a smidgen.

2006-10-19 23:21:38 · answer #10 · answered by luvngran 2 · 1 0

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