Call your local clinic. It only takes a minute and they can have your results by phone in 2 hours.
2006-10-19 16:04:02
answer #1
answered by kista_1 4
depending on where you live you can go to a planned parenthood, a health dept, or a place called the womens center..if you think you saw a faint line you could be preg. i had a faint line once....then i took 5 more tests w/ 5 more faint i have a 3 month good luck..
2006-10-19 16:05:31
answer #2
answered by destinymoon_16 2
Even if the line is faint that could mean a positive. Make an appointment with your doctor for the blood test to have it comfirmed.
Good luck!
2006-10-19 16:06:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you're giving circumstances in thoroughly diverse months. As you had your era in august & september, then you actually weren't pregnant in those months. basically because you had unprotected sex in july, would not propose that you receive pregnant in july. And, you incredibly did not get pregnant then. You were actually no longer pregnant once you had your ultrasound & blood try. in case you've had unprotected sex when you consider that then, properly then that's yet another mission so that you may want to or would no longer are growing pregnant. yet you'll not be 3 months pregnant as we talk.
2016-10-16 05:42:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you are under-age and don't want your parents to know you can always try Planned Parenthood. They are a great source and they'll test you for free. And if you ARE pregnant they'll help you get started.
2006-10-19 18:21:14
answer #5
answered by Angel V 2
call your doctor's office and tell them that you would like to be tested for pregnancy by having your blood drawn! Good Luck
2006-10-19 16:04:57
answer #6
answered by angellove 4
you could go to your obgyn but if you don't have one or can't afford one you could always go to a clinic in a hospital or something similar to that and complain of severe stomach pains and that you fear you may be pregnant. tell them about the test. they won't wanna take any chances
2006-10-19 16:08:09
answer #7
answered by jess l 5
Go to the doctor ot the clinic.
2006-10-19 16:08:03
answer #8
answered by ♥Me 3
Your family doctor. If you dont have insurace there is free clinics everywhere.
2006-10-19 16:09:12
answer #9
answered by coliepollie22 2
your gyno would be a good start. If you don't have insurance check out planned parenthood. They will have insurance for you.
2006-10-19 16:06:26
answer #10
answered by kelliemag 3