You have given your father a precious gift - you have become the man he wanted to be, and you have made sure your son (and daughter) know that they are loved. From the little I know of you from here, I think your father knew you were thankful for his caring. Those things show without being spoken. But I do know what you mean, and I'm sorry.
My parents wounded me out of their own deep woundedness. I hurt for them because they have never found healing but have only coped. Life is difficult. I wrote in letters to my parents the things I wanted them to know. My father called me to say thank you as best he could. My mother liked the letter but she cannot talk about her deepest feelings. I knew it would be that way. I'm glad I told her how much I love her even if it was awkward.
My Papa died suddenly. I wish I could have told him how much he meant to me. He was the only adult that made me feel worthy of love. I would like to have said thank you.
2006-10-19 17:51:30
answer #1
answered by Anne Teak 6
Reminds me so much of when my mom died suddenly. I was just starting to warm up to her, ask her about her life (when I visited). We lived far apart.
I never really had the chance to tell her....Yes, I do love you mom.
My parents were brought up in a different era. Emotions were not shown to children, nor were they told they were loved. It was assumed. I don't ever remember my parents hugging or kissing me. It just wasn't done.
But I was in my 50's before I realized I need to break that cycle of not telling my children I loved them. That in itself was a feat for me that I worked on and finally mastered.
I am no longer angry at my parents but had come to realize that they simply didn't know any better and were a product of their severe upbringing.
2006-10-19 22:39:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
My mom passed from Cancer, she went through alot of pain. She could no longer talk, and at times I felt that she was asking me "how could you let me go through this pain". I think maybe we should have thought about hospice earlier, but I wasnt ready to let her go. So I guess I would say I'm sorry. I wouldnt tell her that I love her because I know without a shadow of a doubt that she knew that. ok maybe I would tell her again ;)
Sorry for babbling. Its been 2 years but it still hurts. Nothing like a mothers love.
You made me cry lol
2006-10-19 22:29:59
answer #3
answered by Sassyazzrican 2
I made a special trip out of state to see my grandfather on his deathbed and he died 5 months after that. I'll always be grateful that I had the chance to tell him goodbye and that I loved him.
2006-10-19 22:24:34
answer #4
answered by i luv teh fishes 7
That I hope you realize how much I truly love you, that I wish I had been there for you more, that I am sorry I took some things for granted (like that you would always be here), and that I wish I had tried harder to help you. And once again.... I will love you forever!!
2006-10-20 04:19:56
answer #5
answered by Sassy 6
do not beat yourself up
your father does not want you to do that
you are right in that
we all do the best we can, as we understand it
every hug to your son,
is a hug to your father
...your father wants you to believe that
peace, brother
2006-10-19 22:28:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
"I love you!" what more could you want to say?
2006-10-19 22:23:16
answer #7
answered by 411sponge 2