na it's understandable...just treat "her" like a woman..that is obviously what she wants. Try not to make a big deal out of it although it is an adjustment on your part. Be open-minded and supportive. Good luck
2006-10-19 15:18:52
answer #1
answered by mrs michelle 4
This is a work place, not your social center or living room. What you need to be is professionally courteous, you do not need to engage in any fake chit chat. The rest of your life will probably involve much more complex challenges, if you can't ' get used to it' then you need to consider employment with less people interaction.
2006-10-19 22:21:53
answer #2
answered by kate 7
It would probably be easier if he passed. Given more time he may pass once his hormones really kick in... 2-3 years.
It's difficult for a lot of straight people to understand.
You don't have to be his friend just because you work with him or because he's transgendered. You can choose your friends you know.
2006-10-19 22:17:59
answer #3
answered by it 3
I know two people that had the change. I was not really close to either of them. One of them had a young child. I don't think I could get used to it if it was someone close to me.
2006-10-19 22:20:25
answer #4
answered by redunicorn 7
Honestly, unless you were friends with this person, I would probably avoid them except when necessary. Of course, I am antisocial. Or you could pretend he was always like this....
2006-10-19 22:18:41
answer #5
answered by spunk113 7
Bec, was he your friend? if so, then he is still your friend..he is just doing what he likes or feels he needs to do to be complete for himself....he is the same person inside, regardless of what he portrays on the outside.
hey, all power to him!
2006-10-19 22:21:12
answer #6
answered by crimson_ghost03 2
yeah i have to totally agree with him..i think he s lacking self worth..becuase if he cared about himself he would embrace the fact that he is a man..i think everyone is curious but come on dude grab life by the balls
2006-10-19 23:49:42
answer #7
answered by kelly 2
Why not take the he-she out to a bar to celebrate! you know how the bars usually have LADIES NIGHT!
2006-10-19 22:20:36
answer #8
answered by sparky_butt 3
ask them y they r actin like this it that simple tell them how much this bothers and worries u they MIGHT understand OR GET TOTALLY PISSED and hate u from then on 4 not exceptin them good luk!
2006-10-19 22:18:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Treat him/her no differently as you did before
2006-10-19 22:45:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous