I am considering leaving. I logged on to yahoo today, and was surprised to find that I got a violation for something really stupid. Apparantly I was insulting a group of people by saying, "When will you get it in your freakin heads..." or something like that. All I know is, that I was not insulting anybody, I was only tryng to make a point.
I don't want to recieve a violation evrey time somebody feels insulted by something so trivial. I've seen a lot worse during my short time hear. I mean, has any body seen anything profane in any of my posts?
If nobody cares that I might be leaving, then you'll only be better off. However, I'd like to hear what all of you think. All I know is, its stupid to get flagged for insulting a sports team, or their fans, which I didn't do.
22 answers
asked by
J W Hockey
➔ Hockey
I can take insults, I do it every day being a hockey player. I was just wondering how someone can take that as an insult.
Ths is in the hockey section because some of the people that regularly answer quetions in hockey might recognize me, and better understand waht I mean. If you don't like that then report abuse, and see what I care.
Someone asked " do any one think that the buffalo sabres and the rochester american will sweep both hockey leages? I just used the so called insult to say that its way too early in the season to predict that.
15:31:05 ·
update #1
You don't play much Hockey do ya?
: )
If Yahoo boots you for stating your mind doesn't Yahoo lose?
I mean.... do we really want to sit around and agree with eachother? Don't we want to get our blood boiling? Don't we want to state our points? Don't we want to be heard, pull for our team, get pissed, agree, disagree, converse, find mutual friends, enemies?
Isn't this about standing for what you believe in?
It is for me.... and I hope it is for you.
If not....
Bye bye.
2006-10-19 17:46:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you enjoy Answers why leave-Just click on Community Guidelines and follow.Yeah I know Rules but Rules are everywhere and so are the consequences if not followed and its not even necessary that we like or agree these rules. I also received a E-Mail concerning one of my responses to a question and although I was I summed this person up correctly I did use the word idiot which is in violation of the Rules and I too have seen worse. You can use this medium,Answers and learn how to disagree or voice opinion and even basically say the same thing without directing it to the person as in for example " your actions could be looked on as being idiotic VS you are a idiot and its worthwhile to learn this for in the corporate world or in any job situation one has to choose words so as not to be in violation in office or on the job behavior code(s) but still voice ones opinion ,disagree. For to violate this code can result in dismissal and that would cause problems in when seeking subsequent employment.So do like I did ,make a mental note and move on but stay with answers for you just might give a answer that'll be a real help to someone.It's also too trivial to deprive yourself and others of your contribution to Answers
2006-10-19 22:17:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am shocked to hear anyone was cited for a violation, because I see some absolutely over the top obscenity on here.
Instead of leaving, stick around if you like it. I mean really like it.
Then again, maybe it's time to get out. This joint is a terrible waste of anyone's time. You could be doing something creative, or certainly more interesting.
2006-10-19 21:54:54
answer #3
answered by martino 5
I wouldn't worry about these violations. I've said something like what you said many times and have gotten only one violation for it. And if it's for something so trivial, especially about sports, appeal it. It's better that you do so they won't assume that you acknowledge you did something wrong. The violations staff doesn't even read the violations nor the appeals (but I would anyways, you may never know if they are filed). They just click, click, click, next violation e-mail. As for you leaving, that's your choice.
2006-10-19 23:48:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Don't leave just because of somebody being stiff necked and not liking the word freakin'. Just be a little more selective in the wording of your responses. Some people just get their panties in a wad if you criticize their team or something.
(Oops, I hope I don't get reported for saying panties!!)
Have a good day.
2006-10-20 11:28:31
answer #5
answered by Caleb's Mom 6
i'm finding out that you can get violated by anyone i think the people who are monitoring this site.for example:someone asked,"why do mexican women have flat asses"i replied"how do you think they make tortillas?" ...they (yahoo)put me in violation saying it was not a question.it may have been in bad taste,but it was clearly a question. and also a joke,from both sides.people should just lighten up.know how many i've heard being mixed race,i am not offended.if it's just mean-spirited,then i can defend myself.Yahoo,should have a site for the over 21 crowd where we can speak freely,&if it gets infiltrated by "babies"they should get penalized(damn,did i spell that right?)
2006-10-19 21:59:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You should be aware that you insulted someone, and should that that comment/violation as help, not critism. If you are more careful with what you say, you are more likely to recieve less complaints, and will be happier here. So I guess my answer is to stay, but be more careful with what you say.
2006-10-19 22:04:40
answer #7
answered by Liz 2
It's a bad system, where apparently no one reviews the complaint. It's like the Soviet Union used to operate. You might want to consider staying.
2006-10-19 21:53:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Got my first one today for insulting How can I say it "Gays and Lesbians" for returning an insult why, if you are insulted can you not respond just deal with it its no big deal if they want you they'll keep you if they don't screw um.
2006-10-19 21:55:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Violations are just warnings, trying to keep us all from killing one another with words.
I have gotten a couple myself, and very shocked I was.
No reason to leave. Stick around.
2006-10-19 21:58:56
answer #10
answered by mia2kl2002 7