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Get on your soapbox and tell me what bugs you. Is it Imigration issues, People on Cell Phones, People who don't Recycle...anything tell me what is something that you wish would change.

2006-10-19 13:56:34 · 4 answers · asked by ladybug 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

It's people who are glued to their cell phones and talk on them while driving. NOT SAFE! I think that should be made illegal, period. Also women who abuse drugs while being pregnant. They are not only hurting themselves, but also the fetus growing inside them. The drugs have just made them stupid and not care about the life they have inside them.

I wish every single public building had a nonsmoking policy. I am very aware that that is becoming more and more an issue and being put in use, but not every one is making that a priority. I used to smoke, so I know what it's like and what it's like to stop. It's like murder to stop, but my goodness people are stopping every day. It is doable. I've been smoke-free for 14 years now and it is so nice to not be a slave to something that makes you have to go out in freezing weather just to get another pack of cigs or have to miss parts of a movie, because I just can't go without for just 45 more minutes.

2006-10-19 20:48:23 · answer #1 · answered by angelcat 6 · 1 0

when a store opens a new register, and people who are just coming to the checkout jump in front of people who've been lined up waiting.

2006-10-19 21:05:06 · answer #2 · answered by answer faerie, V.T., A. M. 6 · 1 0

When someone just can't wait to pass me then turns off as soon as they get around me.

2006-10-19 22:46:04 · answer #3 · answered by bob h 2 · 0 0

everyone in the world!!!!

2006-10-19 20:59:19 · answer #4 · answered by aphrodite 2 · 0 1

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