Kevlar is DuPont Company's brand name for a particular light but very strong aramid fibre. It was created in DuPont's labs in 1965 by Stephanie Kwolek and Herbert Blades, and was first used commercially in the early 1970s. It can be spun into ropes or sheets of fabric that can either be used as-is, or used in the construction of composite components. It is now used in a wide range of applications - from bicycles to bulletproof jackets - due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, five times greater than that of steel.
Kevlar is synthesized from the monomers 1,4-phenyl-diamine (para-phenylenediamine) and terephthaloyl chloride. The result is a liquid-crystalline behaviour and mechanical drawing causing the polymer chains to orientate in the direction of the fibre.
Kevlar has a high price, in part, due to the difficulties arising from the use of concentrated sulfuric acid in its manufacture. These harsh conditions are needed to keep the highly insoluble polymer in solution during synthesis and spinning.
2006-10-19 13:29:26
answer #1
answered by DanE 7
Hi Seth, I wholeheartedly agree with what is cited and it is excellent. Your intelligent "cut and paste" was to the point. I do that myself on occasion. Your presentation made me look at this issue in another way. Some of the responses have said that the theoretical proof for the possible evolution of the bombardier beetle was done a few years ago. This raises a question to mind. If there was no physical proof for the beetle's evolution before that time, than does it mean the evolutionist just had a "belief" in the theory that it worked? Or is that all evolutionary theory is? A belief in the process and nothing more. Theories are created by finite and moral man and he worships them. Like the pagan gods of wood and stone that ancient men and women made and worshiped as well. They allowed those unliving and nonseeing entities control their thinking and lives in the way they view the universe and man as well. For the Christian the scientific proof is every where that there is a God who created all things including man. It is nature that declares this knowledge to man!!!! That all man has to do is observe and listen. It was expressed by the Psalmist David in Pslams 19:1-3 1The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 2Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Take care my friend and God bless and to all the other believers here.
2016-05-22 03:35:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Firstly, I'm assuming you meant 'Kevlar,' the personnel armor material used by the US Armed Forces. I'm not sure about the chemical equations involved, but it draws its strength from stong poly-hydrogen bonds, and the material is spun, much like a fabric. It has several commercial and industrial uses, but the most 'common knowledge' application is for bulletproof vests and kevlar armor used in the military. Once created, several sheets of kevlar material are sheeted in a cast, then superheated to conjoin and conform exactly as the mold needs.
2006-10-19 13:40:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i really dont know but i "chemically" like your picture.. if that helps :-)
2006-10-19 13:35:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
search it at they have very good awser usally but that first aswer you got is beter
2006-10-19 13:37:14
answer #5
answered by roadrunner_scout38 2