They did/do exist but not in this plane. Their purpose is to ensure that nature continues on even as man tries to destroy it day by day with his/her ignorance.
2006-10-19 16:48:01
answer #1
answered by Rex 4
Good question. Let me ask you this as my answer...
Why would anyone know the answer to that?
Myth gets spread because it's myth. It starts from some story, based on fact or fiction, and gradually the story gets retold until it becomes legend and no one knows where the fiction begins and the fact ends.
2006-10-19 13:20:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Weeeeelllll, IF there are really UFO aliens out there, and IF they have indeed been visiting throughout mankind's time on earth, then it's very possible that these are them. The data fits. What there is of it. Not sure what the story is on mermaids. Christopher Columbus noted in his log aboard the Santa Maria that he saw a 'particularly beautiful' mermaid on one of his voyages. Doesn't really sound like a manatee to me... You don't suppose dolphins and hippies could...???
2006-10-19 12:24:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Welll, first define 'really exist'....
In my experience, these and other forms exist in a layer of reality that many call the 'Astral Plane', which, without training, it takes a special sensitivity to perceive.
Need they have a purpose?
Do you know what your purpose is?
What is the purpose of a dolphin?
Or a cat?
Or mosquitoes?
2006-10-19 12:23:52
answer #4
answered by raxivar 5
If there was, I wouldn't be answering. Elves might though, NO NOT the short asswhole elves that have pointy shoes...I mean the Elves that come from Elswyr. Bows, slender, tall, archer
2006-10-19 13:57:48
answer #5
answered by Martial Arts Freak 2
Oahspe, the new Bible, talks about fairies as real, a type of spirit. Richard Shaver believed in Mer people. I have read articles about both in the tabloid papers.
2006-10-19 13:50:33
answer #6
answered by harridan5 4
due to the rise of violetnce against those that consorted with such creatures, they (like Avolon) withdrew from this plane of existance. decendants of elf friends still exist just look at those of norse decent with last names like Alfrick (elf friend in that ancient toung)
2006-10-19 14:53:00
answer #7
answered by fullmoonwolf4real 3
those things are all fake people just make them up to make stories more exciting if you decide to take phsycology you'll understand that people make these up to excite the human mind
2006-10-19 12:25:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
yes! they come to your bedroom everynight and give you good dreams!!
i highly doubt they are real
2006-10-19 12:22:08
answer #9
answered by Jordan S 3
they are true if your an 8 or 10 yr old kid..
2006-10-19 12:25:19
answer #10
answered by -a- 3