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At work today, i found a clear money bag containing £150, i reported it to my boss, and as told , kept it hidden and didnt tell anyone else i had found it. about 3 hours later, a person approached me and asked if any money had been found, i asked how much and they said £150. With this, i said i had the money, took there details and made them sign for it etc.

would you have done the same? was it the right thing to do?

I have 2 young children, major cash problems (who doesnt) but felt honesty the best policy. i hope now i may be favoured with good luck.

The person who lost the money told me they would of got in trouble as it was needed to pay for something, but couldnt give me a reward as they couldnt spare it, i didnt want a reward, but they have taken my name and said they will write a letter of thanks to my company (and possibly send myself a book token - as they saw i am an avid reader).

what would you of done? will i get my good luck?


2006-10-19 11:10:47 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

just to add, i found the money outside the main entry of my work in the driveway, on the floor, wet in the bag. bag had no name, no i.d etc. so was definatly not a setup etc. and no i dont want a pat on the back, i am asking what you would do in the same situation.

thanks for answering

2006-10-19 11:18:55 · update #1

27 answers

What a lovely person you are, yes things will be good for you because you sent out good karma and it will come back to you ten fold, having money worries of your own and you still didn't just pocket the money like you could have done, you will get your reward for been so nice and honest and I really hope it comes your way soon as you really do deserve it, I would have done exactly the same, we found a wallet in our local supermarket last Christmas and it had a huge amount of money in it, I was gobbed smacked when the assistant said she would have just kept it, I just knew it was money for some kiddies presents, it was a gut feeling, the guy who lost it phoned us later that day and was in tears thanking us and it was money for his kids presents, he had five, had saved up that money all year and was a widower, I cried too and thanks myself for been honest and that it was me that found it, I can honestly say things have been great for me since, holidays of a lifetime that I only dreamt about and financially things have got so much better for us too, your luck its on its way..

2006-10-19 11:27:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I would have done just what you did. It is the right thing.

By what you say and the fact you describe it as a moral dilemma, I gather you were sorely tempted to keep it. This makes your action in doing what you did even more commendable. You will certainly receive good fortune from this even if the person does not do anything - being a good person and living in the right way with a clear conscience will, sooner or later, bring you all kinds of rewards, which you so richly deserve for acting correctly when it was difficult.

2006-10-19 22:59:32 · answer #2 · answered by TC 4 · 1 0

Was the right thing to do, if you found the money and no one came to you or reported it then finders keepers - no one will find money and freely ask around if its anyones will they!, if someone has lost it and need it they will ask like this person did! you did the right thing, how would you feel if you lost it and you asked around and no one owned up even though they had it!!, you wont necisarrily be rewarded - you may be - but fate is stonger - if youd have kept it and lied then a similar thing would happen to you!! when i was young i stole £10, and the next month i had £10 in my purse and really needed it for something and it went missing!!! fate

2006-10-19 18:17:08 · answer #3 · answered by misyid 2 · 2 0

Regardless of whether you get the good luck or even if by some higher force the honest people like yourself are rewarded you did the right thing. The money didnt belong to you and therefore was right to be handed over to the rightful owner.

Im not a big believer of karma, im quite a pessimist to be honest but maybe somewhere in the future youll be shined upon. Heres hoping

2006-10-19 18:15:25 · answer #4 · answered by morris994 4 · 1 1

You did the right thing. I have had many a run in with others when i have acted on my honesty is the best policy theory. At the end of the day a clean conscience is worth a whole lot more than £150.

2006-10-19 19:16:49 · answer #5 · answered by caroline c 1 · 1 0

I hope good karma does come your way as you did the very rare but right thing.

I would have done the same - I can't even accept too much change back in a shop because I know it means more to the person who lost it than it does me. Not that I don't need it, but my conscience is worth more to me than £150.

I always fear the worst that someone will lose their job, perhaps then losing their home, and even their marriage failing all because of one small event like that. It's just not worth it!!!!!

2006-10-21 14:25:41 · answer #6 · answered by 'Dr Greene' 7 · 1 0

Glad to see there are still people out there who would rather do the right thing insted of the easiest thing for themselves. About 2 weeks ago I found a wallet on the floor. There was no money in it but when I went through I found an address and posted it back.

2006-10-19 22:36:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would have turned the money in just as you did . Even though times may be hard .. to me ..honesty is the best policy . You having small children want your children to grow up with the best qualties, morals ,values in life . You have to be the example for them . I ceratinly hope you told J all about this .If you did ,he looked up to you for being honest . I laso believe in Karma ..it does come back ..either to bite you in the **** or to reward you 10 fold . : ) ... you did the best thing ever

2006-10-20 23:36:19 · answer #8 · answered by loretta n 1 · 1 0

Good for you!! to be honest I would like to think i would have done the same but not 100% sure when faced with the cash...

I do believe what goes around comes around so you in turn will get your reward.... maybe even worth more than £150...

Good Luck!

2006-10-19 18:14:59 · answer #9 · answered by confused 6 · 1 1

Well you did the right thing, yet you just washed all the good in it.
You want a reward for such a small thing. when I do a kindness it is from my heart, and I do not want anything more than the great felling of caring about someone.kindness is its own reward.

2006-10-19 18:20:02 · answer #10 · answered by gwhiz1052 7 · 0 0

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