First of all, the word Canadian is a proper noun: person, place or thing, and must be capitalized-also because it is a country.
Secondly, ask a bank, or you could get robbed, ripped-off, or mugged for your money-conned!...and, no offense to those of you who don't fit into this category, but, from many of the questions I've seen on this website, lots of people are just doing this for fun, and there's not a thing in the world wrong with that, but!; they are not a very trustworthy bunch to be asking questions regarding cash exchange rates...that is if you're really serious. On the other hand, there are laws and regulations in this country protecting people from being told the wrong information on this subject, and banks are under the strictest ones of all. I know for a fact that it is a Federal offense to give incorrect information to the customers at any bank or lending institution for this crime, so that would be the very best bet for you in your quest for correct money exchange rates in this country!
So, Good Luck With That!
Have Masters Degree In English :)
2006-10-19 17:30:04
answer #2
answered by Have Masters Degree in English 2