It's a players +/-. Players get a + if they are on the ice when a goal is scored and a - if they are on the ice when a goal is scored against them. The exceptions are if you are on the PK no - , but if you score short handed you do get the +. So a player with a +/- rating of +3 has been on the ice 3 more times for goals his team has scored than he has for goals scored against.
2006-10-19 10:02:18
answer #1
answered by Bianca 3
Others have given you the correct answer (whether a goal is scored for or against on your shift), but I'll add:
What's cool about the plus/minus is it's an indicator of your contribution to the team effort, the whole shift effort, and not just if you put the puck in the net.
Because putting the puck in the net's important, but so is being part of what got it within firing range to begin with, and equally important is how good you are at helping keep the puck out of your own net.
It's not all about the goalie, at your end, or the guy shooting, at the other.
It's a whole team thing.
2006-10-19 10:46:15
answer #2
answered by lotusice 4
The answers here are pretty good. The way I explained it to my hubbys is if you're on the ice and a goal is scored against you, you receive a -1. If your on the ice and your team scores a goal, you receive a +1. So if your +/- is, for example, +8 it means that of all the times you have been on the ice your team has scored 8 goals of the combined time you were on the ice subtracting all the goals that were scored against your team while you were on the ice...
long story short, is your team better or worse when you are on the ice.
2006-10-19 13:07:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
+/- is when a goal is scored for or against his team while he is on the ice for an even strength goal. 5-on-5, 4-on-4, 3-on-3. The goalie does not have this stat, it is only for positional players.
2006-10-19 11:24:26
answer #4
answered by B 4
Plus Or Minus
2006-10-19 09:58:15
answer #5
answered by kali_kid06 2
It measures the players contribution or lack of to goal scoring. If the player is on the ice when his team scores agoal, he gets a +1. If hes on the ice and the opposition scores, then he gets a -1.
Go Sharks!
2006-10-19 10:04:52
answer #6
answered by creationrocks2006 3
That sounds like fun 1. *gulp* ottawa 2. Vancouver 3. Los Angeles I would prefer head2head if given the choice live draft or autopick, prefer live draft but doesn't matter
2016-05-22 03:04:24
answer #7
answered by ? 4
everyone's answers are great but just to reinforce that the + or - can only represent even strength goals. 5 on 5, 4 on 4, and 3 on 3 respectively.
2006-10-19 22:46:16
answer #8
answered by grifokid 3
The symbol +/- means plus/minus. When a player's on the ice for one of his team's goal, he gets a plus one. If a player's on the ice when his team is scored against, he gets a minus one.
2006-10-19 10:57:20
answer #9
answered by hockey craze99 4
if that player was on the ice when a goal was scored by his team _if the o scored its a minus.
2006-10-19 13:10:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous