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I have been told that an epidural is not worth the time or money because in most cases by the time it takes effect the baby is coming out and your all sleepy and not alert to even pay attention to your baby. Then some people say get it because of the pain. I'm due in February and I have a while to decide but I would like to get some more opinons on the whole situation

2006-10-19 08:39:10 · 28 answers · asked by QUEEN ME 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

28 answers

It will totally depend upon your situation. Induced labor can be very painful, so most women elect an epidural in that case. I had one with my first (because I was induced) and it failed on one side, but was totally worth it. Labor is tough and epidurals give you a break if you are having a tough time. With my second, I went into labor on my own so the pain was not as intense. I progressed rapidly and the contractions were nicely spaced so I was not tired as quickly. I didn't need or have time for an epidural. lol

There are risks involved with an epidural. My first baby had breathing complications postpartum from the epidural I received. I had excruciating back pain for 3 weeks postpartum. My baby was fine within 24 hours, though.

My point is...wait and see. You will have time to make the decision when you get there. Wait and see what your contractions are like and whether or not you can handle them. And if you don't have time to make the decision when you are there...then you wouldn't have had time to get the epidural to begin with. Good luck...and try not to worry too much. Labor's not as scary as you think it would be.

2006-10-19 08:48:39 · answer #1 · answered by Wicked Chicken! 3 · 2 0

Ok, my first two I did totally natural - because of a lot of reasons, but mostly because I wanted to "experience" the birth, and didn't want my babies getting any drugs through me etc. I went into the hosp after being in labor for a WHILE and they were born 4 and 3 hours later. It was a great experience. Nothing like the feeling of "I CAN CONQUER THE WORLD!" It was a lot of work and I did it.

With my third child I decided to get an epidural for two reasons: I knew I would be there for a while - I had to have at least 4 hours of antibiotics, and my husband was working 140 hours a week (literally) and was asleep anyway!! no help! I was not focused enough to survive each contraction.

Let me tell you, I am getting an epidural next time. I don't regret not getting one with my first two, that was quite an experience, but what a relief an epidural is!! There are possible complications, but I loved laying there in that dark hosp room watching my contractions on the monitor and NOT feeling them. ahhhhhh. By the time the doc came back to check me, my baby was right there. I pushed for three min and there she was! For some reason, the recovery was a lot easier too, maybe I wasn't as worn out.

There is some food for thought, whatever happens you will make the right decision for you and your baby!

ps: getting the tape off hurt more than getting the epidural.

2006-10-19 08:51:37 · answer #2 · answered by Daisy 3 · 0 0

I am due in a few weeks, but I was in the same situation a few months ago. I was so afraid of labor, and whether to do it natural, or get the epidural. I read everything I could find, and asked all the women I know for what they thought, and did. I finally decided I will most likely go for the epidural. My sister in law just had a baby a month ago, and says you already go through a certain amount of pain before you get the epidural. Once you get it you are able to save energy for the pushing. My other sister in law was not able to get the epidural for one or her births because it happened to quickly. She said the pain was so bad. She would rather have a really long labor with an epidural than a quick one without. I guess we don't really get that choice do we? lol Well if you're like me, and probably most women. The last final weeks you really don't care what you have to go through to get that baby out. You will be ready, and excited. Big change, for me because a few months ago I thought about labor, and was wondering what I have gotten myself into. Now all I can think about is holding my baby boy! Enjoy every moment of pregnancy. It's a lot of aches and pains, but it's wonderful, and exciting! In the future I would like to do it naturally. My mom has done both, and she said both were great experiences. Naturally is painful, but there was something special about it she said. Good luck, and congrats!

2006-10-19 11:16:06 · answer #3 · answered by tlk0103 2 · 1 0

An epidural will not make you sleepy at all, and it only takes about 15 minutes to kick in and it will give you much relief. I would say it took away the majority of my pain. You will still feel the contractions and will still be able to push, but it will be much more pleasant. My epidural did not work with my first child, but did work with my second which I had 2 weeks ago. My second delivery was much more pleasant than my first and would never go without an epidural. By the way, my second child, a boy, was a whopper at 9lbs. 3oz. and delivery was not a problem, pushed for 10 minutes almost pain free. Believe me, you will know what you want to do when the real labor pains start. Also in case you are worried, the epidural does not hurt at all and only takes a few minutes to put in.

2006-10-19 08:49:33 · answer #4 · answered by sooz 3 · 0 0

I am pregnant with my third baby. I used an epidural with my first two. With the first it was a god send. I was in labor 23 hours. I got to get some sleep. And i was refreshed for the delivery. After that I swore by epidurals. But with my second the doctor forgot to prescribe it so I got it when I was 6 cm, and went from 6 to 10 in 15 minutes. So it helped with some of the contractions, but I could feel everything else down below. The doctor had to numb me. But to be honest, the pain was bad, but not as bad as I expected. And this time I am thinking about doing it without an epidural. Yes they take the pain away, but I don't like how I felt after wards, the second time. I had to wait for it to wear off, while I had visitors, and it can make you drowsy. It did me both times, but the second time I wasn't tired. I was induced, and my labor and delivery was 4 hours long. So when I would have liked to be up and alert to visit with my family and friends I couldn't. But if you are going through a long delivery then go for it.

2006-10-19 09:28:08 · answer #5 · answered by tnmomof2as 3 · 0 0

The epidural does not make you sleepy, it makes you numb, and they will not give it to you if you're too far along and close to delivery. They usually give it when you're 4-5 centimeters dialated. I would say leave your options open and plan on having it if you feel you need it. The pain of labor is supposed to be excruciating (I havn't been through it yet but am due this weekend) and, depending on how you handle pain, an epidural could be a lifesaver. At first I had decided to do without it but the more I speak to women who have been through labor the more I think I want to have one. They simply numb you from the chest down to your knees and you can't feel anything (or at least you're not supposed to). Some women say that they can still feel some sensation but not pain, others say they didn't feel a thing and it was great.

2006-10-19 08:46:22 · answer #6 · answered by sks42683 2 · 1 0

I got my epidural at 4 cm. It was the best thing to happen to me! My labor lasted 22 hours! No way did I want to spend all that time in pain. I'm a sissy! i wasn't sleepy or anything! It doesn't make you sleepy it just numbs your lower half. My epidural was a wonderful!

I have heard some awful stories about what has happened to other women but if I have another baby I would get it again. YOu might want to meet with your doctor and discuss his/her feelings. My feelings on the situation are get it if you don't want to feel the pain but if your a strong person who thinks they can handle the worst pain of their life then try it without it!

2006-10-19 08:47:18 · answer #7 · answered by Dana J 3 · 1 0

i'm in the same boat as you lol. i've been reading about it a lot, and so far i've read if you want an epidural, be sure to have it planned with your ob, so when you go in, they know and can give it to in time for it to be effective.some hospitals offer walking epidurals too. with one of those, you dont have the pain of the birth, but you arent numb from the waist down, and arent confined to the bed. only certan places have the available, so you can ask if you have the option. i've heard that the pain from the epidural itself is worth it in the long run. no more than the needles in, most women lose feeling and dont feel its pain anymore. its great that you're already thinking about which option to take. and it does take some thinking t decide. i'm due late dec, and i still havent made up my mind yet. but i'll most likely have an epidural myself. good luck and congrats on the baby!

2006-10-19 08:47:12 · answer #8 · answered by veitedl 2 · 0 0

Google "epidural risks" and get a copy of Henci Goer's "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth". to learn more.

The #1 reason I wouldn't want an epidural is that it affects the baby. It does so indirectly, for instance, epidurals cause a drop in the mother's blood pressure, which can then affect the blood flow to the baby. Epidurals can also cause an "epidural fever" which means the baby will be taken to be observed, interfering with bonding, and will have a septic workup which is painful. These both can lead to a cascade of interventions that can have other side effects, like making breastfeeding difficult.

The #2 reason is how it would affect me. Epidurals increase the chance of surgical birth, episiotomy, and the use of forceps. The mother has to be on her back and can't move around, which increases the chance of malpresentation and injury to both mother and baby. Being on my back would also necessitate giving birth -- one of the most important events of my life -- while I am vulnerable and exposed to a bunch of people, their hands and eyes on me, inside me. That just doesn't sound pleasant or empowering to me.

Yes, birth is usually painful, but environment and how the birth is managed is often a large part of this. Avoid the things that will interfere with your instincts and hormonal release and create inhibition, move around and vocalize as you feel best, and demand quiet and privacy, birth upright instead of on your back, and that'll go a long way toward making the pain manageable. You can also look into non-dangerous ways of coping with pain, like using heat, water, and a form of self-hypnosis (hypnobirthing.)

2006-10-19 09:09:21 · answer #9 · answered by blueviolet 3 · 2 0

It is totally your decision. I personally did not have an epidural with either of my kids and the pain wasn't really THAT bad. Sure it hurt some, but it was over pretty quick for me. I was really uncomfortable with the idea of someone putting a needle in my back. I was more scared of that than I was of having the baby.

There are some side effects possible with the epidural (like headaches). Just talk it over with your doctor and then do whatever you feel is best for you. If you have a fairly good tolerance for pain I'd say don't get it, but it's totally up to you and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it whatever you decide. Good luck.

2006-10-19 08:46:04 · answer #10 · answered by kat 7 · 2 0

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