Dudes she said a "graphical calculator" not a scientific one!
£10-£15?? keep dreaming!!
I have a graphics calculator and its been my best friend for the past 2 years!! (OK, not best friend,but I love it!!)
My model is the Sharp EL-9900 and it cost £60!!
Yes it is a lot but its well worth it if your studying A Level maths or doing a degree in university.
Usually colleges and universities recommend which one to buy, for many reasons including the fact that it can be a "cheating device" in an exam. So make sure you enquire before purchasing.
I know of a great website who deliver the calculator to you by the following day and if your not satisfied, you can return it too!
Its http://www.calculators-online.co.uk/index.jsp
All in the UK and 100% trustworthy and friendly, excellent service!!
By the way, word of advice, make sure you sort out the warranty of the calculator as soon as you receive it. Unfortunately these gadgets can "breakdown".
Don't forget to renew the warranty too!!
Have fun!!
2006-10-19 12:22:15
answer #1
answered by DaffoDilly 2
I bought one from Smiths for about £20. It is a graphical calculator. I find the screen much too small however. The advice to get a more expensive one if you can is good.
2006-10-19 20:46:42
answer #2
answered by RATTY 7
2006-10-19 08:38:44
answer #3
answered by fatboyslick 3
Most schools use theTI-80 series .
Most Common where the TI-82,TI-83, TI-85, & TI-86
I personally used (since 1995) and still have the TI-85.
I think you can find them for around $40-$70
2006-10-19 08:56:42
answer #4
answered by vmeyester76 2
at school we were told if we broke the graphical calculators it would cost £30 to replace, but thats teachers talk for you.....
2006-10-19 08:43:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
THe best one cost about 50 dollars but i use TI30 calculaters and they cost about 10 dollars
2006-10-19 11:03:28
answer #6
answered by fajrmuhammad 1
i use a texas T80 -had it for years and it has served me well
browse the internet-look in all the shops on the internet-dixons, comets etc
i hope that this helps-have a good days calculating
2006-10-19 22:15:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
HP is the most inexpensive
Generic chinese japanese
TI are the best and most expensive
Many PC Programs do the same calcs
2006-10-19 08:40:22
answer #8
answered by god knows and sees else Yahoo 6
casio is 9-11 quid
2006-10-19 08:47:28
answer #9
answered by gin 1