2006-10-19 05:40:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is a look that is identified as being "Jewish," dark wavy hair, fair skin, slight build. Is that what you're referring to?
That is actually specific to people of Jewish descent from parts of Europe. They were the first Jewish immigrants to the U.S., which is why their features became the stereotype there.
Jewish people with ancestry in the Mediterranean or Middle East will often have olive skin. Russians Jews have other characteristics in common, as do Ethiopian Jews. Etc. Communities which tend to marry within themselves (and Jews have often had no other choice) retain recognizable characteristics. Not everyone will have them though; genetics are wonderfully complicated. :-)
"Jewish" refers to ethnicity, culture AND religious traditions. That's the core of your confusion.
2006-10-19 13:35:11
answer #2
answered by The angels have the phone box. 7
Judaism is a religion and Hebrew is a nationality. And all Jews do not look alike. Where do you people get such nonsense from?
I defy anyone to tell me that Natalie Portman looks anything like Scarlett Johansson or that either look like Sarah Michelle Gellar or Keri Russell or Winona Ryder.
Or that Jack Black resembles David Duchovny, or Judd Nelson, or Howard Stern, or Harrison Ford, or Woody Allen, or Robert Conrad, or Tab Hunter, or Leonard Nimoy, or William Shatner, or Paul Newman or Sammy Davis Jr.
2006-10-19 12:37:01
answer #3
answered by kja63 7
First, they *don't* all look alike. Do you think Jerry Seinfeld looks like Albert Einstein?
Second, "Jewish" is used both for those who practice the religion of Judaism, and for those of Hebrew ancestry. Though they are two different things. There are people who practice the religion that are not of Hebrew ancestry, and those who are of Hebrew ancestry who are atheists, agnostics, christians, muslims, etc.
The terms being used interchangeably is really the result of predjudice, lumping all "Jews" together, usually in a negative way. The reality, like any other people given labels, is that there is a great deal of differentiation among those to whom the term is applied.
2006-10-19 12:41:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Who said it wasn't a race? Besides they all don't look alike, but they do have characteristics of people from that region...they're just not as dark as some.
2006-10-19 12:37:15
answer #5
answered by bodinibold 7
I don't know about them looking alike, but "Jewish" can be correctly used to refer to either a religion or an ethnicity. It can be confusing for some because not all who belong to the religion are of that ethnicity and not all who belong to that ethnicity are of that religion.
2006-10-19 12:39:25
answer #6
answered by KDdid 5
I remember reading in a medical journal a Jew can be any nationality. Sammy Davis Jr. Was a black man and a Jew.
There was this blond, blued eyed white guy in California that was a Jew. City commissioner "Al Ginsburg"
We had a school teacher a small, middle easterner looking guy, Mr Shermis and he was a jew.
They have Asian Jews and actually like it says a Jew can be any nationality. I knew a guy once who was a Japanese looking man who said, "NO, I am not Japanese, I am a Jew."
2006-10-19 12:40:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
First, they don't all look alike..........second, Jews are a race, but have mixed with can't tell a Jew unless they tell you.......who cares? A Rabbi down the street looks like Denis Leary (An Irish man) Get it......kind of a dumb question, but I like points.....keep asking.
2006-10-19 12:41:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
are you sure the people you think look alike aren't family and you're just being close minded by thinking of them as the entire religion? get over aren't going to get far in life with an attitude like that.
2006-10-19 12:38:43
answer #9
answered by sarah 2
They don't look alike. I've noticed Amish people do b/c of the beards and clothing but that's about it.
2006-10-19 12:41:57
answer #10
answered by missgigglebunny 7
They look like Mediterranean People -- AREAS of the world have similarities--the Chinese, Mongolians, etc..
2006-10-19 12:41:59
answer #11
answered by whynotaskdon 7