I have had to put myself on a "news diet." I cannot watch the news every day -- that is the number one contributor to my negativity.
I also think it might be time to do a "Yahoo Answers" diet, because sometimes the less-than-kind people on here can put me in a bad mood. Those thumbs downs really ruin my day.
Religion made me more negative too - just FYI. :)
2006-10-19 05:08:46
answer #1
answered by LisaT 5
Choose your faith with care . You need a reason to hope , Atheism cannot help with the ultimate questions we all need answers to , they might try to rationalise everything but have no real answers about the things of the heart . I like the idea of being encouraged to call the divine creator father ,not so austere as some interpretations of the ultimate mover and shaker of this whole shooting match known as life ! Don't get hung up about the box thing , nothing can hold back your spirit , not even hope-less atheists !!
2006-10-19 05:45:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't be despondent. The media industry needs news 24x7, and that means a lot of bad news as it generally sells better than good. Don't buy the papers or watch the news for a week. Spend time with family and friends and reflect on the considerable good and kindness that is in the world. You'll soon be back on track.
2006-10-19 05:11:45
answer #3
answered by Never say Never 5
I try to believe that there is good in all people, and yes, I know that is very difficult in today's world. Don't let yourself become overwhelmed with negativity, try to always keep yourself surround with positive people and thoughts! If nothing else, put on some good music and jam!!
2006-10-19 05:22:43
answer #4
answered by Mana 3
Sounds smart to me! Investigate world religion and make an informed choice!
2006-10-19 09:45:02
answer #5
answered by Nicola H 4
I'm a spiritual person but do not believe in organized religion . So my faith in God helps me , and lots of self talk and meditation .
2006-10-19 05:29:49
answer #6
answered by Geedebb 6
stay "+" by
# be peacful,try to cure illness of society,create awarness among people,bring entusiasm,thinking that all are 1 family then slowly and slowly i think above case will get reduced.
2006-10-19 05:09:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Static electricity?
2006-10-19 05:04:01
answer #8
answered by Christ 3
I whistle a happy tune...
2006-10-19 09:46:01
answer #9
answered by andylefty 3
Hope and truth
2006-10-19 05:16:07
answer #10
answered by : 6