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Would our economy boom? Would we all be a little more successful? Go through your house today and look at the products you own, are they American made? Is your car American made? Think about this next time you are out shopping, I know I will be.

2006-10-19 04:00:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

14 answers

Hi SC:
If Americans only bought goods made in America the American economy would collapse.
Foreign markets can produce goods in large quantities for pennies compared to dollars for items in the States. the workforce is so much larger abroad and willing to do the work for the money their are paid. The American worker could not and would not work for such a low income. This is why Companies like Walmart have such a large profit margin and are so hated by alot of other stores simply because they can't compete!
I hope this helps!!

2006-10-19 04:10:31 · answer #1 · answered by Randy S 2 · 2 0

The country would go bankrupt.

Lets face it - American prodducts are CRAP. Do I own an american car? Hell no - they all suck!! I have a Subaru. Would I buy an american motorcycle? Hell no - look at the lack of performance and the reliability issues. Would I buy an american TV, PC, etc? No, because there arent many that are worth what the Japanese stuff is worth.

Furthermore, american products are more expensive than their Jap counterparts. So, less people will be able to afford TVs, PCs, cars, bikes, etc. Less people buying, economy tanks....

If Americans could make better products for less money, Id be happy to buy them. But they dont. So I dont buy them.

2006-10-19 11:05:38 · answer #2 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 2 1

When I worked at a retail store I had a mid east family to come in to buy American made products as gifts for their family. Everything nearly was made else where other than U.S.A.. He wanted only things made here in U.S.A.to show relatives he was actually here.

2006-10-19 11:12:30 · answer #3 · answered by B"Quotes 6 · 1 0

We would all have badly made products. I will not buy American made products until the quality gets much better.

2006-10-19 11:18:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well you would not own a TV, DVD, or VCR, None are even made in the states, Its called World trade, Without it we would be stuck with raw materials and alot of stuff would not be available in stores

2006-10-19 11:06:51 · answer #5 · answered by Paul S 4 · 0 0

What products do we MAKE in American anymore!

Food and even that is sometimes imported. Other than that or cars what?

Do we make electronics? I learned Electronics from Engineers at Admiral in Chicago. That company don't exist anymore!

2006-10-19 11:04:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

We would all be broke and have very few possessions.

The basic theory behind Economics is that any country that can build the best product for the cheapest price will run the market.

2006-10-19 11:05:12 · answer #7 · answered by jrayhp 4 · 3 1

What would happen is that all of the countries that we have trades with would suffer. In effect, they'd suffer and we'd suffer too because there are some things we get fromother countries that are necessity for us. It all works together, and is NOT causing our economy to suck!

2006-10-19 11:05:28 · answer #8 · answered by tabby_24_2000_2000 2 · 1 1

That is certainly a short term bandage to economic realities. To alienate all other countries, would not benefit anyone's economic reality for long. Think on that too.

2006-10-19 11:34:03 · answer #9 · answered by jmmevolve 6 · 1 0

i agree but i'm canadian but i still buy american product instead from china

2006-10-19 11:03:44 · answer #10 · answered by george p 7 · 2 0

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