I don't think it would make any difference which sector of society made the first move, it just wouldn't work! It would deprive us as humans of the joys of discovering how amazing other facet cultures and traditions can be. I reckon true homogeneity would be dull and what we should aim for society to respect the fact the people have different ways of living their lives and that the right way to have a peaceful equilibrium of existence, is for all human to be accepting and non-judgmental.
(Whoa heavy man, PEACE!) x
2006-10-19 03:19:17
answer #1
answered by Tatsbabe 6
The muslims need to be told that political Islam is not acceptable in Britain. Americans are taught to love their country and they all know they are Americans first and then whatever else second. Britain is still (even in 2006) in the hangover of post imperialism and as such is ill at ease with the concept of national pride.
This is what needs to be addressed urgently so that we can move away from the nonsense of multiculturism to a new patriotism that will actually make us all safer and prevent further erosions of civil liberties.
In my mind we either keep this ludricous multiculturalism and have a big brother state to police it.....or we move away from multiculturism towards patriotism and get a cohesive society which can police itself the old fashioned British way we used to know.
2006-10-19 12:27:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Multicultural??? what a word, what does it mean?? different things to different areas of society. shame really it would work well to mix the cultures, but some of these ethnic cultures just don't want to blend in or accept any change from the ways they have brought from their home lands.
2006-10-19 10:33:41
answer #3
answered by vealegwen 1
I think that if you come to this country, you should be the ones to integrate.
2006-10-19 10:17:44
answer #4
answered by mikers 3
Just a kind loving Heart.
2006-10-19 10:32:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
its all down to the laws of relativity
your question is relatively facetious
2006-10-19 10:13:24
answer #6
answered by budgeeeuk 2
it doesn't really matter: i think if one makes thethe fist move the other will foolow
2006-10-19 10:17:47
answer #7
answered by flora s 1
that gay black one over there
2006-10-19 10:16:44
answer #8
answered by ? 3