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What are the english known for??????/

2006-10-19 03:08:53 · 30 answers · asked by Tamara 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture


2006-10-19 03:11:44 · update #1

30 answers

Tea & scones
Football hooligans
use of the word sorry
larger louts
roast beef
yorkshire pudding
pink skin
High percentage of teen pregnancy
high percentage of overweight people
love a freebie
the beatles
the rolling stones
the mini skirt


2006-10-19 03:37:59 · answer #1 · answered by Lupee 3 · 0 1

The English have played a significant role in the development of the arts and sciences. Prominent individuals have included the scientists and inventors Isaac Newton, Francis Crick, Abraham Darby, Michael Faraday, Charles Darwin and Frank Whittle; the poet and playwright William Shakespeare, the novelists Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and George Orwell, the composers Edward Elgar and Gustav Holst, and the explorer James Cook English philosophers include Francis Bacon, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Thomas Paine, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Bertrand Russell, Michael Oakeshott and Roger Scruton.
English common law has also formed a foundation for legal systems throughout the world. Plus much more!!!!!England!!!

2006-10-19 10:52:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I can't understand why most of you are so negative about your country! I came in England 5 years ago and it's been brilliant. Maybe you should go to live in other countries for a while so you can compare and see how much better is England. You say that you have football hooligans but I think you still live in the 80's. Take a look at other European countries today and you'll see that you have much less football hooliganism than most of them. As a foreigner I say English are well known for their politeness, music, arts, football, great sense of humour, best comedy in the world, cream teas, Sunday roast and of course education!

2006-10-19 10:57:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I would like to say the english are known for nice things like "drinking tea, strawberries and cream, private schools, royal family etc"...but the truth of things are the English are known as being "walked over".

Our country is pretty much full of scum, wasters, benefit scrougers...and I for one will not be living here in 5 years time

2006-10-19 10:31:52 · answer #4 · answered by Lalalala 2 · 0 0

The English are known for inventing a sport called Football or soccer.
I suppose they invented the longbow used in archery and the Battle of Agincourt and was 2 metres in length (6 ft 6in) and was used for hunting and as a weapon of war.
There are the playwriters and authors such as William Shakespeare, Jane Austen and Alan Bennett.
There are many bands and musicians that England have produced.

I am in London, England

2006-10-19 10:44:56 · answer #5 · answered by gunnerboycelt 2 · 1 1

Bad Teeth
Ultra Chic/ Fashion
Good Music
Fish and Chips
Buckingham Palace
Cokate & Pete Doperty
Posh & Becks
Double Decker Busses

I am in Dallas, TX, USA

2006-10-19 11:28:50 · answer #6 · answered by Brutally Honest 3 · 1 0

For the excellent rock bands and wonderful songwriters i.e. John Lennon. For inventing football so that the Brazilians could teach them how to play. For inventing Anthropology so that the French could teach them how to use. For the language so that the Irish could teach them how to write and most of all: for thinking big and doing big yet remaining very small.

2006-10-19 12:45:30 · answer #7 · answered by Fabi 2 · 0 0

From interactions with the English people I know:
- sexy accents (second only to the Scottish accent)
- amusing rivalry with the French
- better spelling of words like "colour"
- unfortunate stereotypes of Americans
- fish and chips
- tea!

2006-10-19 10:13:41 · answer #8 · answered by Glory Box♥ 3 · 0 0

Drinking, not wanting to meet new people (especially from other cultures), not complaining and putting up with crap food and service on a daily basis (and paying over the odds for it), moaning about the weather, talking about what's on TV, and several big moments in history, but, that's all history and thoughts are now on who to blame for losing out in the next big football competition.
Oh, I'm from the UK, left years ago, and don't miss any of the above...

2006-10-19 10:22:43 · answer #9 · answered by jinz 5 · 1 1

Binge Drinking.

North London.

2006-10-19 10:10:27 · answer #10 · answered by Montgomery B 2 · 0 1

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