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I know Mick and Paddy are not but I am not sure about Win Choo Chang??????

2006-10-19 03:06:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

you know they have smaller willies?!

2006-10-19 03:11:51 · answer #1 · answered by ☺Everybody still loves Chris!♥▼© 6 · 0 0

Yes and there solution may have just made them more open to the outside world. As a grossly overpopulated continent in an effort to curb population growth limited size of the family's to one baby. No social programs for old people they had to have a son of die of starvation when they got to old to work. Plus it takes a dowry or a lot of money to get a man to take their daughter.
So girl babies were killed or aborted. Can't hardly blame them.
Except now they may lower the price to get them to take their daughters because their is hardly any females of marrying age.
some parents are looking else where for brides, into India and Pakistan. Adopting out girl baby's means a bunch of them is in USA. So the Chinese is going in future generations be one of your brothers. Since the USA is growing at an alarming rate it may not be long and Americans may find they are over populated.
There is a perfect solution for over population in the USA stop giving girls money and free stuff to keep having baby's.
If it cost them money instead of a way to earn money they would stop having babies.

2006-10-19 10:20:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should also take your parents and grandparents into consideration. Since you have two parents and 4 grandparents, it is possible that half of one parent is Chinese (check if it's the left or right side of whichever parent looks a little Chinese), and maybe one of your grandparents in Chinese as well (check who has the chinky eyes).

2006-10-19 10:39:24 · answer #3 · answered by HopeURSatisfiedW/MyAnswers 3 · 1 0

2 out of 5 is either chinese or from India. Better start looking for both :)

2006-10-19 10:09:26 · answer #4 · answered by rhnegatif 2 · 0 0

Thanks for making me laugh .. and people having 2.5 kids makes me lol also

2006-10-19 10:08:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

LOL LOL ur funny..

2006-10-19 10:08:01 · answer #6 · answered by prizelady88 4 · 0 0

perhaps its you?

2006-10-19 10:07:33 · answer #7 · answered by dm234127 2 · 0 0

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