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As alternative,how about its as American as ...
A drive by shooting
friendly fire
an anoying accent.

2006-10-19 02:56:55 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

Should also have said hy can't Americans laugh at themselves?

Not meant as a political debate. Lighten up.

2006-10-19 20:35:26 · update #1

30 answers

Lighten up folks... a little sensitive some of us aren't we?

Come on... you Americans are the last that should start throwing stones... it's just a question... try a little introspection.... this is the main difference between our nations... we get the humour... even when it's directed at us!

As American as....

..... an illegal invasion and war....
..... a rigged presidential election...
..... as agent orange....
..... as Watergate....
..... an assassinated president....
..... the warren commission....
..... the magic bullet theory....
..... as crappy blue-grass music....
..... a faked moon landing....

I could go on all day...

They have wrecked the English language and now they are wrecking the world!

HEY SEANACHIE>>>> It "woudl" make me piss myself laughing... I rest my case!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - LOL - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

How funny are you Americans.... get over yourselves...

Lets assume that we have all got bad teeth.... LOL...."oh no... I'm so upset!"

Makes you wonder why your so desperate for us to be your allies in the fight against all of the worlds bogeymen doesn't it....

... and how do you all manage when you come over to Europe for holidays...[oh... I forgot you don't... because the dollar has gone down the toilet/pan!.... and most of you are unaware of where anything is on the other side of the "big water"]

HEY>>>>> MADforMAC.... How about a laugh at this one......
"Apple pie, the American dream (a house, spouse and 2 kids and a dog), etc., are all thought of as American because we did create them"

So America invented houses, spouses, kids and dogs".... did they?

2006-10-19 03:02:28 · answer #1 · answered by Harrison N 3 · 3 3

As American as brainwashing.

Mad For Mac would be a prime example!

1. America gives more to charity because it HAS more money than other countries, especially since they so enjoy exploiting them- you're "helping" people in bad situations that you helped create. Good for you.

2. Um, no, I think the point is that Americans did not in fact invent apple pie.

3. Mentioning God in the "sacred documents" is all very well but those extreme "Christian values" are not doing the country any good. Did you know that in some areas, women can't get the morning after pill because local pharmacists consider it "sinful"? And they have the right to refuse to prescribe even normal birth control pills?

4. Americans have the highest level of life happiness because so many are either on Prozac, or just too dumb to know better. That's a reflection of people's attitudes, not the ACTUAL quality of life. Quality of life surveys consistantly put Canada in the number one spot.

2006-10-19 05:31:48 · answer #2 · answered by - 5 · 1 0

You obviously don't know much about American culture. Drive by shootings are rare in the scheme of things, friendly fire also applies to any country that ever went to war and the accent? Where are you from?

Apple pie, the American dream (a house, spouse and 2 kids and a dog), etc., are all thought of as American because we did create them. There are different types of apple pies, but the typical pie made in this country...all American.

Here are some alternatives for you:

As American as; the billions given to charities (higher than any other country in the world), highest happiness rating with life (we are heads above most countries), and the only country in the world that put God into it's most sacred government documents when it was founded (that's why we are so blessed).

2006-10-19 03:10:42 · answer #3 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 0 2

Apple pie need not be an American invention, only an American tradition.

Drive by shootings, friendly fire, and annoying accents are HARDLY American inventions (especially the latter of the three!)

2006-10-19 03:21:34 · answer #4 · answered by The Link 4 · 0 1

The phrase came into being because there is some truth in it. Every restaurant serving American cuisine offers apple pie. Every family in the country has their version of grandma's apple pie, every church bazaar offers apple pie, every pick nick has an apple pie. And it is a catchy phrase!

2016-05-22 01:49:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Keep the three together - Baseball, apple pie, and Chevrolet.

Baseball - based on an English children's game called Rounders
Strike one

Apple Pie - Most likely an adaptation of a German desert
Strike two

Chevrolet - a bad American car company
Strike three

America likes to take and not give credit where they got it from.

2006-10-19 03:05:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Baseball is mearly and adaptation of a brittish game called rounders , and of course, cricket. Chevy is the only true american object . Even hot dogs are German .

The point is , America is a " Melting Pot " of many cultures ,A fact many Americans forget . Sad really .

Yes I'm American and agree . We have destroyed the Queens english . I can't understand half the people I talk to . I get along better with immagrants and forieng tourist .

Amerian = color , True English =colour , Neighbor in American ,Neighbour in English. I have these Arguments all the time .

I just screw with them and speak in Norse , My families native language .

2006-10-19 03:27:12 · answer #7 · answered by Michael J 1 · 3 0

Ah come on, history is flexible to the Americans. remember U571? They were British but not when the film came out. How about War of the Worlds? Classic British writer, groundbreaking in fact...ahem Tom Cruise OK right.

You can't take it personally, unless you actually invented apple pie.

2006-10-19 03:08:01 · answer #8 · answered by Ice Queen 4 · 2 0

Apple pie is thought of as the quintessential American food. We didn't invent it. We just adapted it into something glorious.

And I wish you people would stop acting like drive by shootings, friendly fire and annoying accents only come from the US (which, by the way, has many different accents).
Get off your high horse.

2006-10-19 02:59:46 · answer #9 · answered by Glory Box♥ 3 · 2 3

After seeing American Pie, I would stick to plum pudding

2006-10-19 03:09:23 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

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