NO you aint love!! I blo*dy HATE it when they do it. Dirty perverts. Once i was waiting for my bf at the train station and some disgusting ugly fu*kin foregin guy came up behind me and put his hand on my bum and stood right next to me as if i was gonna say oh hi and let him carry on"!!!! I WENT BELISTIC. I scratched up his face, i spat in his face, i just went so totally mad. I was saying things like, " your mum would be ashamed of you you pervert, (at the time i was only 17) (he was a BIG man) and how dare you come to england and treat women like this, you fu*kin perv. I went so mad, he started to walk away from me, i followed hiim whilst my bf on the phone to me, he was around the corner, i was still walking behind this guy and screaming at the top of my voice, everyone was looking, i didnt care, i wanted this man to feel shame, anyway, he started to run and i lost him, but he knows now NEVER to approach an English girl again.
They all fuckin do it. I just look them in the eye and give them the dirtiest look ever! I make them feel like sh!t, cause its true, forgein men DO treat their women bad, not all, but MOST! I mean, some actually think its acceptable to have more than one wife, or to hit their woman, or for their woman never to leave the house. !! they are from another planet!!
AND they got so much confidence, they really think they are nice, they make my skin crawl and my body shudder. I am not a racist, but i hate men that think its ok to shout things at LADIES in the street. And its ALWAYS foreign guys. They need to go back home man.
AND one time i was watching cimewatch, and the whole programme was about women getting raped. EVERY SINGLE rapist was foregin, everysingle one. Fu*kin blair letting them all in for them to only go and harm innocent victims. ITs a joke. Send them all back i say. Fuc*in Idiots
2006-10-19 03:11:15
answer #1
answered by london lady 5
As anti-racism as I am, I must admit that it seems to be the less cultured Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, etc) men that are the worst. The men that work in my local off-license are awful, you can just feel their eyes all over you!
Having said that, I've been harrassed by white, Londoner scaffolders and builders as well, so it's an international thing to perv. I mean, I admire girls on the street as well, but Christ, I wouldn't say anything to her!
I'm very Victorian in that, as a woman, I don't want to be talked to by a man while walking down the street. It's uncivil at best, downright rude and frightening at worst.
2006-10-19 03:05:32
answer #2
answered by Aisha C 2
I am ashamed to say that some British men are just as rude! but I do know what you mean, I work in a Job where I meet many different cultures and although I feel I am quite open minded, I do not like it when men treat me as a second class citizen just like their women, that is not my culture.
2006-10-19 03:45:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am all for respect to women. I don't agree with the way some foreigners react to women, but you cannot say that about all of them. Some are even more respectful than Americans! Let's condemn bad behavior without labeling any particular group. Bad behavior is bad behavior. BTW, you should ignore this kind of behavior, not worth your time giving them any response.
2006-10-19 03:03:45
answer #4
answered by Roding around 2
Don't you just hate it when some ignorant person makes a ridiculous statement like "these dirty, nasty foreigners"!?
Do you realise how racist you sound? I mean what race are you? If you're British you make me ashamed!
Aren't some British men just as annoying? I'm sure no dirty, nasty foreigner would want you as his woman if he knew how bigoted you are.....
2006-10-19 03:01:09
answer #5
answered by Fairy Nuff 3
Do you have something against foreigners ? Before you lash out, and reveal your charming racist side, you might wanna spell the word correctly.
I'm sure some "forigeners" are dirty and nasty as you mentioned, but don't generalize.
2006-10-19 03:14:57
answer #6
answered by Gypsy Catcher 3
I hate it as well I moved to another country and it happend to me a lot. They don't even know you and if you were intrested you would show it. I hate it when they do that it is totaly disguisting. They look at you like you are some kind of thing. I also just curse them back in my own language and pass
2006-10-19 03:00:00
answer #7
answered by jessica_11_storm 1
I agree, although I am a man, I find it offending to me and our women that sleazy men of all kinds can say things like this and even sometimes get results! Crazy world
Your doing good, just ignore them and look forward to someone who treats you with respect and isnt rude like that.
2006-10-19 03:15:17
answer #8
answered by VernHead123 2
i dnt think its just foreigners u no its men in gerenal eg i was walkin down the street the other day and four guys in there car said to me how much for the night baby and i said u couldnt afford me lol just joke about it, there sad do they really think saying things like that your actually gonna get with em there sad just joke about it
2006-10-19 03:01:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I just look them up and down like they do me and say "ewwwwwwww!!!!"
Oh and thats a rude man of any race or nationality.
2006-10-19 03:06:40
answer #10
answered by debra_har 4