No one has a right to say anything about either until they are in their situation Judge not lest ye be judged if it's the most heinous act against God then let God handle it
2006-10-19 02:41:57
answer #1
answered by crystal 2
Abortion is also a murder, because the living entity is present within the body of the foetus. This is clearly against God’s will and therefore it is punishable if not under the state laws then certainly under the law of karma. The one who decides to make abortion, the one who gives permission and the one who performs the act itself are equally guilty for that heinous crime.
But in a Godless society, full of atheistic and materialistic people, it is accepted to kill the child in the womb of the mother if she desires to do so. Due to ignorance of the laws of nature these people are blind to the grave reactions of such sinful activities. Both murderer and abortionist should be punished by death penalty, because that will relieve them from the burden of the sinful reaction for their next life. In this case death penalty is actually mercy, if carried out by qualified persons, acting out of duty and proper understanding.
2006-10-19 02:51:14
answer #2
answered by aumklim 3
What a line of garbage-----!
No where in the Bible does it say that abortion is murder. In fact according to the Bible, consentual abortion is not killing, death or any other act that could be considered sin. The facts are clearly on the side of the pro abortion movement.
First God himself uses and commits abortion every day. God invented abortion. When women pray to God about abortion, he gives them permission. When fetuses are aborted there is no death.
When God says abortion is right and you fail to follow his advice, you are sinning. To allow a woman to carry the fetus of a rapist is to encourge rape. To allow a woman to carry the fetus of a evil person or person that is married to her but mistreats her is to encourage such action. To take away a woman's free will is to take away her right to self determination.
The Bible and society understands these things. That is why abortion is legal and frequently used.
Your idea that God aborts defenseless children is proof that you are sick.
2006-10-22 15:29:36
answer #3
answered by Give me Liberty 5
Hmmm - I have to say I don't approve of abortion for convenience's sake (you made it, you keep it), but I do question your logic if you are applying it to those seeking abortion in cases of rape, or where the child will be born seriously deformed (to the point where it would exist in pain). To that end I would ask what gives you the right to impose your beliefs upon another - even Jesus did not condemn the sinner thus!
God gave everyone of us free will - it is not for the religious to question that not to step all over that which God gives in wisdom
2006-10-22 05:15:28
answer #4
answered by ♫kanis.lupus♫ 5
Well, the obvious answer is the fetus has not proven itself to be antisocial, hence some consider this willful murder.
The criminal has showed themselves to not be a nice person.
However, it is a little strange that Christians sometimes (not always) support on form or euthanasia and not another.
2006-10-19 02:40:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
And any rule based on his existence is meaningless to me as and american citizen. Nice try. Your wife walking around with her face uncovered is an abomination to Allah, are you ready to have that made into law?
2006-10-19 02:40:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You have the right to your opinion.
2006-10-19 02:40:10
answer #7
answered by PaganPoetess 5