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I know there are alternatives and I just don't know what they are and I feel more people should know.

2006-10-19 02:14:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

There are many jobs out there - they may not be glamorous or pay alot but you have to start from somewhere. People go into illegal work because they think it is the easy way to make fast money. There are many dangers that come from hustling and once you get used to it - it's hard to get out.

Sometime you just have to be humble and work at McDonald's to start out then network with people you know in order to advance. Take some classes at a tech school or community college if you want go get into a profession that requires a degree.

This is your life. You are the one that have to motivate and decide the path you must take. Life is not easy but you don't have to get into something that you will be ashamed of or will harm yourself physcially, emotionally or pyschologically.

Good luck.

2006-10-19 02:35:19 · answer #1 · answered by sweetsxyazn2002 3 · 1 0

I have always had a rough life and I never had to stoop to any of those things . I did what ever it took to make it . At one point I went to work on a WORM FARM picking worms out of the ground to earn money to feed my kids !
It made me sick to have to do it but I had no car and it was the only place within walking distance .
Like I said what ever it takes !

2006-10-19 02:24:53 · answer #2 · answered by Geedebb 6 · 0 1


2006-10-19 02:20:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you get a job even if it is at McDonald's and you get on public assistance until you make a come up. Go to school even if it is trade school and get yourself a good job.

2006-10-19 02:21:15 · answer #4 · answered by Big Daddy R 7 · 0 1

Get a job, for one.

2006-10-19 02:24:00 · answer #5 · answered by rlms_girl 3 · 0 1

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