I my self do not believe in witchcraft,because i know how it works!.It will works ONLY if u believe or u have fear in it.
Voodoo is kind of witchcraft to HARM other people....IT WONT WORK,,,IF U DONT HAVE FEAR AND U DONT BELIEVE IN IT.
It works for people that has soft/weak faith...in GOD and in himself.
It works just like hypnotism/sugesstism.......it works only if u LET themworks,if u open ur subconscious to let them enter,..
Believe me!! i am telling the truth.
Believe and have FAITH in GOD,..NO VOODOO,..or any WITCHCRAFT,..will come to you.
May GOD Bless you.
2006-10-19 01:57:53
answer #1
answered by the withness 3
Witchcraft and Voudon are two entirely different things.
Yes, I believe in Witchcraft. However, a lot depends upon the definition thereof. If you ask what exactly it is, you will end up with as many answers as you have respondants. It's a vague and general term that refers to a vast number of possible practices. It should be noted that Wicca and Witchcraft are generally considered to be two separate, albeit related, practices.
Voudon is a branch of the ancient Ifa traditions of Yoruba, Africa. It is a hybrid of the original Yoruban religion combined with Catholocism. It is an actual religious belief system, not just the "abra cadabra" type stuff you see in movies and that most people tend to associate with it. I have had the privilege and honor of knowing some practitioners and of attending a rite that was led by Mambo Miriam of the New Orleans Vodoo Spiritual Temple. I am by no means an expert with a wealth of knowledge, but I have a sturdy enough background in the subject so as not to embarass myself in conversation or when attending an event.
The idea of "voodoo"-ing someone, however, is a really vague question. I'd need a more direct question to answer competently.
2006-10-19 11:07:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are many different forms of Witchcraft - & Voodoo is different again. For those who'd religion follows a Pagan path will have a different spiritual approach than some poor old woman who'd stoned as a scapegoat in some backwater. Just to name two differences. .
2016-03-18 21:46:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes I believe in witchcraft. Witchcraft and voodoo are two different things though. Voodoo is an african religion. Its pretty odd and its nearly impossible to learn real voodoo enless you happen to meet a ba-ba which is a voodoo priest that teaches. The type my ex husband practices is called eafah or something like that. I really don't know how to spell it. He didn't learn from a book, he learned from friend who learned from a ba-ba. I tryed reading about it, but the only books I could find where from the santaria branch of the voodoo religion. There are many different types of voodoo. Its pretty regional and also differs from family to family.
2006-10-19 15:20:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It most certainly is no joking matter. Witchcraft was around before Christianity came into being where it is mentioned in the bible. Witchcraft is embedded in many pagan religions. Yes pagans have religion. Not all witches do black magic, curses, hexes, evil eyes etc. Not that they can't do them but choose not to because of their beliefs. Voodoo is another religion within this category and is also very real. Not all witchcraft, or voodoo is evil as a matter of fact, there is a lot of good done in the Craft. You need not fear it.
2006-10-19 01:45:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I believe in witchcraft (and I practice it, as well). Voodoo is a specific type of magic performed generally by believers of the Voudoun religion. Not all witchcraft is voodoo.
2006-10-19 05:02:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am a practitioner of Haitian Vodou. Vodou is a monotheistic religion we believe in only one God called Bondye. We honor our ancestors and serve the lwa.
We give light to our ancestors because they are our blood. We give them offerings, water, and other things as a thank you. Our ancestors walk with and help us in our daily lives. They have our best interest in mind. After all they are family.
The lwa are elevated spirits. Because Bondye (God) is so distant from us he used the lwa, like saints, to help us. The lwa are not gods, there is only one God. There are thousands of lwa depending on the area you live in, the humfort (house) you are a memeber of, and what lwa are being honored within the religion at the time.
We serve the lwa and the lwa serve us. The lwa need us to acknowledge them. Without acknowledgement the lwa would not exist. When we talk the lwa and ask for something they are acknoweledged. Because we ask they thank us by giving us what we ask for.
There is way more to the religion than this though. As a general overview we do not use voodoo dolls, curse people, or create zombi. This is the work of the Bokor. A Bokor works with both hands. And will do anything to make money.
Here is a link to the house I belong to. http://www.sosyetedumarche.com/Vodou_Info/vodou_info.html
These articles will give you a basic overview of Vodou in Haiti, ancestors, regleman (ritual order), and some lwa. If you have any questions feel free to email me.
2006-10-22 10:04:07
answer #7
answered by Nelly 4
Yes I do. There are majickal (note: majick...not magic..there is a difference) traditions in EVERY religion, including Christianity. Oh, and voodoo is cross between Caribbean religion and Catholicism. Can you really voodoo someone?.... you sure can. I would only recommend doing it with the best intentions, however. White majick....
All majickk is..is a basic understanding of cosmic law. It's not bad.... or good, for that matter. Simply an understanding of the universe, that, many people...like you are not educated about. It is fun and intriquing if you are open minded.
Be careful what you read if you decide to research it... There are bad resources out there.
For instance.... love spells seem to be popular.
If you try to make a specific person fall in love... that is the wrong way to go. Nothing good will come of it.
If you simply try to draw love in to your life... without interfereing with someone else's free will..... you're doing it correctly.
The list goes on....
Well, I hope this helps a bit...
Love and Light.....!
2006-10-19 05:43:52
answer #8
answered by DiscoGoddess 3
I'm trying to read between the lines, and I think you're asking about what I would call magic. Along the lines of Bewitched, Charmed, Sabrina, etc. or monster movie-type witchcraft or voodoo.
The answer to that is no. That kind of magic doesn't exist.
Say you're a voodoo practitioner of dark magic. You decide to put a curse on someone. You perform a ritual. Is that person now cursed? Are they going to suffer the fate you've chosen for them? Not a chance.
The only chance of success lies in the gullibility of the cursed person. For starters, they have to KNOW that they've been cursed, so that they can buy into it, and hopefully they'll fall into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The only tangible harm these things can do is what you ALLOW it to do.
The only evil effect this type of thing has is on the person doing it. Even though evil isn't a tangible thing representative of satan (I'm an atheist by the way, nice to meet you!), doing evil things does have a black effect on the person who does them.
2006-10-19 02:21:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I have often heard stories of supernatural events / happening and have had several strange encounters myself (although, I cannot fully attribute them to the supernatural).
Hence, I do believe in witchcraft (try searching online under "Mother Shipton").
As for Voodoo, to the best of my understanding, the origins can be trace to Africa. It was brought to the West during the slave trade. There are 2 types of voodoo, white & black. White voodoo is used to help people whereas black voodoo harms people.
I believe they can be use to protect, charm or curse someone.
Hope my informatiom helps...
2006-10-19 15:33:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I believe in WitchCraft, because I'm a Witch. :) For more information on my Faith, click here:
WitchCraft and Voudou are NOT the same thing. Check the Wikipedia article on Voudou to learn more.
The cultural values that Vodou embraces center around ideas of honor and respect—to God, to the spirits, to the family and society, and to oneself. There is also a notion of relative propriety—and what is appropriate to someone with Dambala Wedo as his/her head may be different from someone with Ogou Feray as his/her head. For example, one spirit is very cool and the other is very hot. Coolness overall is valued, and so is the ability and inclination to protect oneself and one’s own if necessary. Love and support within the family of the Vodou society seems to be the most important consideration. Generosity in giving to the community and to the poor is also an important value. One's blessings come through the community and there is the idea that one should be willing to give back to it in turn. There are no solitaries in Vodou, only people separated geographically from their elders and house. A person without a relationship of some kind with elders will not be practicing Vodou as it is understood in Haiti and among Haitians [citation needed] .
In the view of some the Haitian Vodou religion is an ecstatic rather than a fertility based tradition and because of this some do not have prohibitions against gay men and lesbian women [citation needed] . Although it is rare, there are hounfos or temples in Haiti whose clergy are entirely gay males or lesbians, etc.
2006-10-20 06:10:15
answer #11
answered by AmyB 6