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Let me vent about SOME old ladies.

I try my hardest to be nice to the old ladies that come to my work. I am nice, help them with everything, I'm patient (mostly). They are usually sweet, and even if they're not, I know one day I'll be in their shoes, so I just put up with it.

BUT, sometimes they just infuriate me and I want to kill them. They want their cell phones fixed and programmed (this is a pharmacy, ok). Or I'll tell them 30 min and they'll come back after 5 and stand there or keep asking me 'til it's done.
Sometimes they don't believe the register added their purchase correctly so they sit at the counter for an hour, armed with a calculator and pen to 'catch us' cheating them. And many times they start talking about 'the coloreds' or make other racially insensitive remarks, sometimes even about me or other customers! I don't take that from them. How can I stop the urge to choke them??? Or should I be meaner to them? :p

2006-10-18 21:27:41 · 12 answers · asked by what up buttercup! 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

i feel a bit misunderstood.
i'm (overly) nice to them. i try not to strangle them when they say they hate other races.

it breaks my heart when people are abusive to the elderly but just because someone passes a certain age does NOT give them a free pass to treat everyone with disrespect. i just don't like the horrible evil ones.

to those who read the question, thank you for your advice.

2006-10-19 21:00:40 · update #1

lol. you guys are funny.

2006-10-19 21:03:51 · update #2

12 answers

It must be so difficult when getting old, I feel so sorry for them, maybe because as you mentioned we'll all be there some day, yes, they can be difficult but being confused must be terrifying for them. I was in a boat store waiting on line behind an old guy, he asked for a chemical product he couldn't find on the shelf, the kid behind the counter just laughed at him saying that "They haven't made that product in over 30 years". I felt so bad for him. he just stood there holding an empty old rusty can from his garage with his mouth open, not saying anything, just looking surprised and confused about what to do. I put my things down on the counter (losing my place on line of course), and said "I got the chief covered", I went and gave the man the right stuff to use (Bottom Paint), he was so grateful, after I was rung up, and given my change by the young man, I said "May I ask a question of you", he said "SURE", I asked "Do you plan on being a DICK for your WHOLE life, or just the few minutes that I'm involved with you ?

2006-10-18 21:52:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

the only common link in this series of failed relationships is......?

I've worked in Pharmacy for 21 years (18 as a Pharmacist). And the little old ladies are no more difficult or demanding than anyone else. When they ask for something unrelated to your job, kindly tell them 'sorry I can't help you'.

2006-10-22 18:41:28 · answer #2 · answered by jloertscher 5 · 1 0

I know for a fact that when the ladies get old,they act weird (I think it's the menopause)My mom turned into a witch and we're not speaking to each other.I have a neighbor lives beneath us,she's around 55.She talks and screams and yells at to everyone she sees,I just can't stand.So,I know what you mean and there's nothing we can do but don't try to be reasonable also.They won't get it.I think the best way is plug your ears and try to do your job.Best of luck my friend:-)

2006-10-18 21:57:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

U havn't met my Granny yet. She' nice has nothing agaisn't anybody too old fashioned to use a cell phone, U'd love her.She weren't crticize your perfomance of math ether.

2006-10-19 05:50:50 · answer #4 · answered by missgigglebunny 7 · 0 1

maybe hang around yourger women instead of old ladys. Or work else where just be patient. Or maybe take kickboxing and let your anger out that way.

2006-10-18 21:32:30 · answer #5 · answered by carbinated milk 2 · 0 1

try to remember that your gonna be old one day.. alot of older people are lonely and want someone to talk to about anything... alot of their family;s never come around ;so they ask you those questions. and about rase in their day things were alot diffrent ;instead of someone black they were called colored...try to be more patient if possible

2006-10-19 15:40:18 · answer #6 · answered by Cami lives 6 · 1 0

you can't change old people :( you can try laughing at them. or sing yourself a little song while they wait, 'i dont have any money for a chewing-gum, i have to **** my Grand-Mom' and just look at them in a really creepy way. good luck!

2006-10-18 21:37:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

always treat other people the way you want to be treated . remember .your going to be old to someday . and what you do now can come back and bite you in the bud someday .

2006-10-18 21:37:07 · answer #8 · answered by single-rose@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 1

just think you will be old one day, have a bit off respect

2006-10-18 23:11:43 · answer #9 · answered by jackie d 4 · 0 1

get to know them and their activities......respect them then they will respect u....people might say u are not cool to be good to oldfolks....but it never a wrong thing to do....its a good deed...u will not regret.

2006-10-18 22:03:34 · answer #10 · answered by yahoo 2 · 1 0

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