Medically speaking a Chiropractor specializes in the physical components of the nervous system. Mal-positions of the spinal column, called subluxations occur often in people who have had some type of impact trauma, such as a car accident or fall or people with weak or over strained musculature due to fatigue, inactivity and poor posture while sitting, walking, sleeping and other activities of daily living. A Chiropractor will re-align these subluxations, thus removing pressure on the nerve that innervates the surrounding bone structure and tissues. If you do not address the causative factors that produced the subluxation then your adjustment may revert to its original mal-position. This is why a Chiropractor alone is only one of the professionals needed in a comprehensive treatment program. Chiropractors are required to have an accredited bachelors of science before going to an accredited four year doctors fo chiropractic school. They are licensed in every state of the union and are usually covered by the same insurance companies that also cover traditional medical doctors.
2006-10-18 15:26:55
answer #1
answered by ? 4
Chiropractors are doctors. Simply put, the doctor title is earned by someone with a certain level of education in a specific field or area. It seems when people say "doctor" they have and Medical Doctor (MD) in mind. Chiropractors are not MD's and do not wish to be. They are Doctors of Chiropractic and have 5 academic years of intense training and must pass four parts of national board test along with state board tests.
2016-03-28 01:05:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
They are good for a quick fix if you kink your back or neck. eg, (you are jumping on a trampoline and now can't move your neck to the left or right) The older chiropractors do a good job. The newer ones are quacks. They think they are doctors and can heal everything including depression by adjusting you. The older ones would maybe see you a couple of times. The young ones want you to comes in ALL the time for a spine adjustment which is just plain crazy. They are money whores.
2006-10-18 14:56:54
answer #3
answered by Rockford 7
Chriropractors hold neither M.D., or PhDs. or any of the other degrees that we use to besow the term "doctor" on someone. By our definition, this means they are NOT doctors.
It's true, they really do nothing to correct back pain. Now, it could be that you simply need a massage to loosen up tight/spasmed muscles and that a massage will "cure" you. However, chiropractors do that whole "adjustment" thing which is based on bizarre psuedo-mystical crap and has meaning. There is NO good definition for a "subluxation" which chiros claim are the cause to all of humanities illnesses.
Additionally, if you are told you need to go to the doctor three times a week for several months, chances are that WITHOUT treatment your back/neck/whatever pain would have disappeared by that time. There's no evidence that if you hang around for THAT long the chiro's treatment was actually the cause of your getting better.
Oh, also there are TONS of cases against chiros fror CAUSING problems such as moving discs in the neck and back around to places where they cause sever pain DURING their "adjustments." There's nothing safe or healthy aboug a chiros adjustments.
2006-10-18 14:44:24
answer #4
answered by CuteWriter 4
i've seen a chiropractor for several years. helps with my back pain when the alignment gets out of wack. some people think chiropractors are quacks, but i'd rather see a chiropractor than a regular medical doctor
2006-10-18 14:34:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They are doctors of chiropractic, not MD's. The AMA is always trying to smear anything that will reach into what they feel is their pockets, like chiropractic, accupuncture, suppliments, etc. They were bound and determined to wipe all of those 'hippie' alternative medicine practices off the face of the earth. So what happened? People realized they were working and were much better than western medicine in many respects.
I've been to chiropractors and they really helped my back and I have a cranky one too. I have used accupuncture too with success. I also enjoy massage and wish I had the money to get one weekly.
2006-10-18 14:35:50
answer #6
answered by MadforMAC 7
I had a problem with pain in my lower back and radiating down my R leg for YEARS, and after giving up on regular Drs, I tried a chiropractor, and the problem is gone. They are great! Yes, they are qualified Doctors! Just not 'western' Dr's.
2006-10-18 15:08:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe 100% in my chiropractor!!! He has helped me more than a regular doctor ever has.
2006-10-18 14:35:53
answer #8
answered by kndykisz 4
I went to one who told me that I was all screwed up and he made out this plan for me he wanted over 2,000 dollars to "FIX ME"
So went to another and all he did was put the massagers on me to loosen the muscles and then adjusted me and I was 100% better and it only cost me 40 bucks. So In my opinion some are money hungry asses and the others only want to make you feel better without breaking your budget. I will spend 40 bucks anyday versus 2,000.
2006-10-18 15:46:45
answer #9
answered by lilmissnippy 3
nope they are not, they study too. They just going in a different way about it. But be carefull dont let them crack your head and if the back problem does not go away try a nother one Modality,like Cranial-Sacral Therapy it is very usefull for problems like that..
2006-10-18 14:39:25
answer #10
answered by diamantenkitty 4