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Take the corruption in politics, what is wrong with democrat values?

Preserving the enviornment
Helping those who fall on hard times (unemployment, welfare, etc.)
Increasing taxes to fuel much needed social programs, education
Womens right of choice
Unions to protect workers
Higher diplomacy (although I feel conservatives are diplomatic too, just not Bush)
Corporate morals beyond bottomline (think Starbucks and Ben & Jerrys)

Aren't these values we are taught at a young age to know and treat other with such. Doesn't nearly 90% of our country believe in a god that pushes these values and we don't follow.

I am confused, I really am.

2006-10-18 13:24:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

Balance is the key--

Dems get a bad rap because of the extreme left and they don't do a good marketing job of selling the values of the Democratic party. And, some policies can get out of kilter with reality.

I just find it amusing tho how many righties trash these things yet I'm sure they'll be the first in line to get theirs if they need benefits of liberal programs.

2006-10-18 13:27:23 · answer #1 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 2 3

Your only confused because you can't get everyone to agree with you. Your 90% figure, maybe in public schools you were taught those values, the teachers love the strong Unions,coffee and ice cream are your examples of Corporate leadership.You are a liberal Dem that is for sure. I like Boeing, Northrop, Lockheed , unions hurt more then help,increasing taxes kills the economy, let the 90% who believe in God take care of the poor and your social programs, they use to before government took over as charity workers.A women's right to an abortion, stop with the choice stuff. She always had the right to give birth it's the termination you libs are so proud of. Ya your the party of values,your shinning accomplishment is killing millions of Americans every year.

2006-10-18 20:46:17 · answer #2 · answered by razeumright 3 · 0 1

One needs to stand strong behind the President wether they like him or not for the good of the country a united people.
The word of God tells us this.
"The Christian and government" .
Romans13: Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which do exist are estalished by God .
Preserving the enviroment have you ever woken up to a fog and later in the day it has cleared.
So does pollution God clears the air .
There are a lot of fear tactics circulating today.
Welfare is a safety net to help in time of need short term.
There are people in life who think it is a right and want to live on it forever.
Some people don't want to help themselves .
A poor person is someone who eats mud and grass to survive as is happening in some countries..
If one drives their own car,owns a computer,television,cd,buys take away food ,can buy alcohol and cigaretes that is not poor.
Adams curse passed on to the man was to work by the sweat of his brow to provide for his family all the days of his life.
Eve's curse passed on to all women was child bearing and child rearing.
When we go away from God's plan chaos reigns.
As for the unions they call their men out on stike some not wanting to be involved and are intimidated.
They lose wages and struggle to catch up.
I believe the union should reimburse them their lost wages.
It is a privledge to have a job if there is a problem go talk with the boss the majority of them are fair people.
I know of a case where a young man who was dedicated to his job.
Being brought up with the attitude of a fair days work for a fair days pay.
He approached his boss and asked him for a raise,the boss asked why do you want a raise?
He answered" because I think I deserve one" ,his boss answered I agree!
This young man puts his all into his work and enjoys the field of work which he made the choice to go into.
As for Starbucks I love their coffee their service is wonderful and the atmosphere of their shop is relaxing .
1Corinthians 14:33 God is not a God of confusion!
Sieze each wonderful God given day there is still a lot of beauty in this world and it is free to enjoy.
Take care!

2006-10-18 23:02:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, they are great values. I am now a christian democrat. But I used to be a republican. The reason I didn't think the Dems were not as moral as repubs is the 2 issues on gay marriage, abortion. Personally, I think legal abortions should be illegal and gay marriage is not somthing I'd support (maybe a civil union). The bottom line is: Republicans vote on the "hot button" issues. It's not a vote for REALITY. For example, the reality is that even with all the power Rebublicans have they have done very little to change America on those two issues .

Now, I would never vote on those two issues alone any more. They just don't have a big impact on my life. Now when 655,000 people are DEAD in Iraq because of our country. I feel the greater moral highground if to fight to get out of that war! Plus I like all the other things dems stand for. I think Jesus would have been a democrat.

2006-10-18 20:33:41 · answer #4 · answered by Justin 3 · 2 3

Those are great values and the right is just trying to make us look like anti-god, gay loving, baby killer, and communists. The thing is not to go overboard because liberals have been ruining the party if you stay moderate then you should be alright.

2006-10-19 19:57:56 · answer #5 · answered by cynical 6 · 0 0

Suffice to say there are two sides to every issue.

Preserving the enviornment: No one wants dirty air or water but how do you compete when it costs you $10,000 to rid yourself of waste your competitor is flushing down the toilet. I invite you to an article posted only hours ago.
It lists the ten most polluted places on the planet. This is one of the top reasons, along with labor costs, that send our jobs overseas.

Helping those who fall on hard times (unemployment, welfare, etc.) Unemployment is an insurance program paid by the employee and employer. If congress chooses to spend it on other items and tell you that it requires higher taxes then shame on those who believe their politicians. Social Security is the same thing. The trust fund has been nothing but IOU's since Johnson or before.
As for welfare, we have seventh generation welfare recipients on the roles as we speak. This is not a hand up, it is a hand out. It has been such for decades.

Increasing taxes to fuel much needed social programs, education Social programs like welfare (see above). About education, I live in California, 60 cents out of every tax dollar goes to Education. You believe that if you only tax the rich it is OK, they can afford it. The fact is ALL taxes in this country are paid by consumers in one way or another. If nothing else they are passed on to us. If you had any idea what your actual tax rate was it would scare you to death. It is in fact at least 70% of your income. That includes the hidden taxes you pay on a loaf of bread. Think about it, tax on the land to grow the wheat, on the machines to harvest, the machines to transport it, to process it, to ship the flower, and I could go on for hours. ALL this is passed to the consumer.

Womens right of choice You will kill an unborn child, the most defenseless creature on the planet but you won't execute a murderer who has kill dozens and will kill more if given the opportunity, and this from the defenders of the weak/defenseless among us.

Unions to protect workers I can agree to a point. But when a man who puts five lug nuts on a car as it passes by him makes $60 to $80 an hour plus benefits, perks and a retirement program that pays up to 90% of his salary for life plus his health care, all you have is another reason to go overseas. The unions, with a lot of help from corporate management, is the reason GM and Ford are just about in the crapper inside the United States.

Higher diplomacy (although I feel conservatives are diplomatic too, just not Bush) Like the diplomacy President Carter used to hammer out a Middle East peace accord. Now honestly, how well did that work out? You can add to that President's legacy almost complete inaction while our embassy personnel were held hostage for 400 days in Iran. Or perhaps we should discuss 17% and 18% inflation rates. I am retired military; I was on active duty during President Carter's time in office. I was also one of his "inflation fighters". I received 1.5% to 2.5% cost of living raises during that time. I was doing my best to protect this nation’s freedom and eating beans and rice because we couldn't afford hamburger more than once or twice a week. When President Reagan arrived on the scene it still took two years before I could afford gas to get to and from work without having to car pool with three or four other men.

Corporate morals beyond bottomline (think Starbucks and Ben & Jerrys). I don't know much about this subject except to say my, daughter works for Starbucks, she is one happy camper. How about President Clinton's policies that allowed all the bookkeeping irregularities that doomed Enron and others of the same mindset. Default on how many pensions? We have people in jail for all the good it does the workers.

I know you probably won’t agree with a word I said but these are honest evaluations by a person who was there in each case.

I see you coming from an idealist point of view and I feel I am coming from a practical point of view. I don’t believe in paying someone million to play a game or a high school graduate $80 an hour plus benefits and perks to put a screw in a car on an assembly line. I do believe that teaching a man to fish will make him independent while giving him a fish will make him dependant. We simply have different perspectives on the issues. I can only hope this allows you to see more. I don’t expect a miraculous conversion, just a better understanding of the other side.

And by the way, I am confused too. You don’t have to have Democrat values to fall into that realm. I think Bush would make a fine President if I could just rid him of all his liberal leanings.

I think this is the longest answer I have ever posted, please don’t hold it against me…Good evening and good luck on all you do.

2006-10-18 21:55:55 · answer #6 · answered by gimpalomg 7 · 0 2

Yes you are truly confused. Since when does ANYBODY, Democrat or Republican use the words : morals, values, and Democrats in the same sentence. Pose your questions again, one at a time and you'll get what you're looking for.

2006-10-18 20:31:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Too bad those aren't LIBERAL values though, big difference in a Democrat and a Liberal.A true Democrat is a dying breed.Make that a dead breed at this point. Heres some Liberal values...

Pay special attention to number 2 on the list...

2006-10-18 20:40:54 · answer #8 · answered by itsallover 5 · 1 3

It is the individuals currently making up the Democratic party. They would sell our country to Al Quiada in order to harm Bush and regain political power.

2006-10-18 20:35:27 · answer #9 · answered by carolinatinpan 5 · 2 4

The problem is Democraps impose their values on everyone else.
Look what the liberals have done to society today vs the society of 60 years ago.

2006-10-18 20:30:08 · answer #10 · answered by festus_porkchop 6 · 2 4

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