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Free Masonry intrigues me so much, I wish I knew one. In fact, I probably DO know one, but I wouldn't know. I hope someone can share some input.

2006-10-18 12:53:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

3 answers

First of all, everything you see in the movies is wrong. The Masons don't run the country. All the founding fathers were NOT Masons (although George Washington, John Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin were, over half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were not, and it is not certain that Thomas Jefferson was). The Masons are one of the largest charitable organizations in the world giving over $1.5 million a day to charities. Have you heard of the Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Children? The Shriners are a Masonic organization. That is one of many charities that Masonic organizations sponsor. No child (or their parents) has ever paid a dime for care at a Shriners' Hospital. Two excellent books have been published recently that will answer many of your questions:

Freemasons for Dummies
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Freemasonry

Here is an excellent website:


2006-10-18 16:55:30 · answer #1 · answered by Taivo 7 · 0 0

The fraternity of Freemasonry uses the allegorical metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements, to convey what is most generally defined as: A peculiar (some say particular or beautiful) system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.[2] This is illustrated in the 1991 English Emulation Ritual.[3]

It is an esoteric society only in that certain aspects are private;[4] Freemasons have stated that Freemasonry has, in the 21st century, become less a secret society and more of a "society with secrets."[5][6][7] Dr. Dieter Anton Binder,[8] a historian (and not a Freemason) who is a professor at the University of Graz (Austria) describes Freemasonry as a "confidential" society in contrast to a secret society in his book Die diskrete Gesellschaft.[9] Most modern Freemasons regard the traditional concern over secrecy as a demonstration of their ability to keep a promise[10] and a concern over the privacy of their own affairs.[11] "Lodge meetings, like meetings of many other social and professional associations, are private occasions open only to members."[12][13] The private aspects of modern Freemasonry deal with the modes of recognition amongst members and elements within the ritual

2006-10-18 12:58:21 · answer #2 · answered by Pey 7 · 1 0

There organization has been around for century's. the founders of this country where all masons. it is a secret order, that is prevalent today and is in control of this united states to a large degree.in the government.they are very powerfull.

2006-10-18 12:59:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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