All of them. Cindy Sheehan has based her entire 15 seconds of fame on her fallen son. He was a hero and no doubt rolling in his grave at the acts of his mother.
2006-10-18 12:48:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This is a great example of how as the neocons get closer to losing the House and Senate they get more ridiculous and outlandish. I'm not a liberal, I'm a moderate and usually vote Republican. Trust me, I won't be this time - and this fool gives the example of one of the prime reasons why. Keep it up dude, you're cutting your own throats with this over the top crap. Moderates are abandoning support of Repubs in droves. How twisted are you that you would think ANY American would rejoice over a soldier's death? Your ego can't handle the reality of what's happening in Iraq because you might have to admit you were wrong. That's real sad for you but it doesn't give you carte blanche to slander Americans who can put two and two together and come up with four.
2006-10-18 21:11:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
That is so sad if THAT is all you think about when you see a glimpse of the death that is going on. Shame on you. My husband was in Iraq and he said the amount of death is huge and unreported. We need to see the REAL cost of WAR. If all we see is a "number" then we are all remaining unaware of the real pain. Everyone of those "numbers" is a human. A human with a mother that cradled that child, nurtured him and had beautiful hopes for him. It's not just a NUMBER!!! Liberals aren't retards we are Americans too, we all want a beautiful life here in America. We have families and jobs and all that is really different here is we have a different philosophy about war than you do. What ever happened to an intelligent exchange of ideas? Name calling is so far from making the world a better place. Oh you make me so mad. I'm fighiting agianst this war as a former consertive. Open your freaking mind. Please.
2006-10-18 19:52:37
answer #3
answered by Justin 3
No, I just rejoice that poll numbers released this evening have the Democrats winning Congress on a larger scale than the Republican Revolution of 94'. Just admit it, America wants change, and the Neocons aren't the answer, the deomcrats are. It's over. Unless your party makes some drastic changes in the next 3 weeks, you're gonna lose very badly, and Bush will become the Lamest duck on the Patomic
2006-10-18 19:49:09
answer #4
answered by FootballFan1012 6
It aint the libtards that need a body count to justify continuing the war in Iraq, pal.
2006-10-18 19:56:41
answer #5
answered by thylawyer 7
Once again your display of idiocy is astounding. Your problably clueless as to how infantile this makes you and your party look. But oh well, knock yourself out.
Melanie, thank you.
Hey tinker, do you have any idea who exactly it is that protest at the funerals? It's a right wing nut named Fred Phelps. Do your homework
2006-10-18 19:50:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Why would Liberals be rejoicing when they're not the ones who want them there in the first place?
2006-10-18 19:46:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't know of any, but I know of quite a few reboobs who ignore the death count and only think of how much money they are making off this war. Like.....Uh, Cheney! Your ignorance must be utopian!
2006-10-18 19:46:49
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Do you ever step back and look at what you say about fellow Americans?
2006-10-18 19:50:49
answer #9
answered by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 6
OK we know now that there are only 1,200,000 liberals in America
Assuming 1/2 or deviate pro death liberals that would be 600,000
Bush can kill 600,000 without batting an eye.
Go big Red Go
2006-10-18 19:49:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
That is nonsense and you know it.
Liberals want to bring our troops home, and have the Iraqis run their own nation.
There is nothing funny about the death of our soldiers. Though I bet you think your question is funny. It isn't.
2006-10-18 19:46:52
answer #11
answered by Villain 6