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think about how hip-hop affects women, how they are always called "bitches", they have no name, just bitches

2nd question) What responsibilities does the artist (of a rap song) have toward the community? To what extent should the artist have a moral function??

it would be really helpful if u could give me some topics i can talk about to answer this question!

this question is for my philosophy class n i haven't been in that class for 2 weeks so i need major help! so we read an article about hip-hop and these are questions that we are supposed to answer from our own perspective, not the article...thank you!!!!

2006-10-18 10:42:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

8 answers

well, i know that the main reason why language evolved was to help maintain complex social structures (and not the passing of practical information like men thought) , so, i wouldn't say language creates social distinctions, but rather supports them.
Regarding the 2nd question (just a personal opinion) i believe that an artist, or art in general, holds no responsibilities towards anything, art being something without practical purpose.
The moment art is given purpose (educational, like in hip-hop, i mean, they're not just making music, they're advertising a life style) the artist should be hold responsible for its message.
Of course the same can be said of other music styles.

2006-10-18 11:10:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Question 1:
Language plays no role in creating and reinforcing social distinctions such as class, ethnicity, race.
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis[1] is wrong.
It is the social distinctions that play a role in creating language.
Think about poor destitute women and crack-whores in undeveloped urban neighborhoods. They cannot care for themselves. Thus they get called "bitches" in rap music, and the name sticks.

Question 2:
Artist is not responsible for moral effects of his art. Art is but an imitation or reflection of reality. Thus if there is something wrong with art -- it's a wake-up call that something is wrong in society. Cleaning up rap music, will hardly make real life crack-whores go away. Do not blame the artist for what he sees in the world around him. Do not try to fix art -- focus on fixing REAL problems. And art will become better all by itself.

2006-10-18 13:46:41 · answer #2 · answered by hq3 6 · 0 0

It's really more than language your discussing, it's the impact of words put to a tune or a beat. I believe the beat drives the words deeper into the subconscious, so the words and the tune become integral to ones consciousness. What's interesting is that we generally choose music that fits our state of consciousness. So which came first, the music, or the state of consciousness that chooses the music? I think one reinforces the other. And so a teen boy, and I've known a few, that think of women as bitches, will have that thought reinforced by the music he chooses. And a seeker, aspiring for a higher state of consciousness will choose music with a more uplifting message, and thus experience upliftment.

You ask what responsibilities does the artist have toward the community? To what extent should the artist have a moral function? I ask, how would you regulate that? The artist is simply sharing his or her state of consciousness, and there will be those who are in agreement, or not. And they will choose to listen, or not. We are each individually responsible for our state of consciousness. Can't put the blame anywhere else. So, it seems to me the responsibility lies more with the listener, than with the artist. For instance, how do you know that hip-hop refers to women as bitches? While I've heard the word numerous times, it isn't a word that is generally in my state of consciousness. I take responsibility for my state of consciousness, and for the music I listen to. In fact, I spend a lot of time carefully selecting the music I will listen to. That's the beauty of modern technology. Love that ipod!

Good luck on that paper, and be careful what you listen to.

2006-10-18 11:35:11 · answer #3 · answered by shine_radiantstar 4 · 0 0

Language probably plays a role in the areas you mentiond in all languages. Language is culture oriented. It plays a very large role in social distinctions in the japanese Language. For example, the Japanese language has different words for giving and receiving, depending upon who is doing the giving and receiving.

2006-10-18 11:05:34 · answer #4 · answered by Max 6 · 0 1

Sounds to me like a typical guy getting over a courting. If he's no longer in a courting, he's unfastened to look and inquire. advice: in case you prefer some thing to take place with him, you are able to nonetheless could wait till he thoroughly we could pass of the previous courting, yet you are able to initiate doing issues to coach which you extremely prefer to be greater suitable than purely friends. you are able to initiate by ability of going someplace with him which would be, properly, like a date and notice what happens. possibly he does not rather understand what he needs appropriate now... if he cared with regard to the guy he became in a courting with, probability is, he's perplexed, harm and on an identical time, needing somebody to fill the functionality, yet no longer needing the discomfort of it additionally... sturdy luck.

2016-10-02 10:43:46 · answer #5 · answered by elidia 4 · 0 0

are you seriously having a problem answering those questions from your own opinion???

regardless of philosophy and more as a student -- i'm almost offended that you'd miss so much of a class and then expect someone to help you get more than the grade you deserve.

sorry to offend... but its how i feel.

2006-10-18 10:55:44 · answer #6 · answered by shatzy 3 · 0 0

People without the language skills are marked as lower class, and are limited in their educational and employment opportunities.

2006-10-18 10:51:11 · answer #7 · answered by Clown Knows 7 · 0 0

the artist is to produce a way of life that he has seen or been in. this production is supposed to give us sight on that which we have not seen. it is not how we are to act. we are supposed to see what different cultures do, and see what is wronge in it. and by this, what we see wronge in someone else, we are to reflect that on our own life, and see what we do that is like or simular to that which we do not like. it is to often that i see people hate something about another, yet they are just like them. it's crazy. but that is the way it works. every thing that you hate or dislike about another, just think about yourself and see if you can find any thing remotely related to that same behavior....it is a great trate that we have to be able to find what is in ourselves by seeing what is in the....read carl jung, the great psychologist...we reflect onto another that that is within us. and in this we can see ourself and repair what needs repaired. but if we do not use this tool, then we can not truely know ourself....it is hard to understand or even speak of, till you study this work, and practice it. then you will understand.........

2006-10-18 11:00:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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