You are correct. The reason is men THINK about what they are going to say before they say it as to not have foot in mouth disease where as most and I do mean MOST women speak and think which causes confusion and generally makes them say things that they want to retract. To avoid this we men think about it first
Better to get it right the first time..ya dig.
2006-10-18 10:07:11
answer #1
answered by Xae 6
Actually the reverse is true - Men fail to think before answering - if they did then things would be better.
Men actually think while they are talking (with mistakes and all) - we expect the listener to understand that the words coming out are not accurate - the next sentence will modify how the previous sentence was interpreted and on and on - - -
2006-10-18 10:12:29
answer #2
answered by smarty1533 1
i think men can multitask as well as women, in fact they are CAPABLE of doing lots of things at the same time, the only problem is that mostly men are too LAZY to do that.
forget about what the book says. it is just an excuse- guys CAN do stuff, but they DON'T WANNA! and that's pathetic, because then everybody thinks that guys are dumb, too dumb to do two basic things at the same time.
2006-10-18 10:07:46
answer #3
answered by thehelper 3
Men have a harder time doing more than one thing at a time , therefore a lot of them are type B personiality , women can sometimes do several things at a time so we have a hard time understanding this .
2006-10-18 10:08:40
answer #4
answered by Geedebb 6
I dunno...I know a lot of people (men and women) who do a lot of talking so if what you say is true, those particular men must never think (they wouldn't have time to)!
2006-10-18 10:06:16
answer #5
answered by . 7
If you want a smart response, anyone would need to think. If you just want a fast response, you'll get a lot of talk but could have been shortened a lot.
2006-10-18 10:07:35
answer #6
answered by leikevy 5
i no some men don't think before they talk but as for that next one am not sure
2006-10-18 10:08:56
answer #7
answered by ♥*♥Bahamian Gal♥*♥ 7
Of course its true. They always say things without thinking first. LOL
2006-10-18 10:06:30
answer #8
answered by roxy 5
no. my boyfriend does it all the time but he was slow when i asked him so yes they can but it takes them a while to talk after thinking about thinking.
2006-10-18 10:07:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
its kinda true! but some men know how to do that
2006-10-18 10:08:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous